Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska said she expects the law on public sector wages to be drafted by the end of the year.

“We adopted the General Collective Agreement and signed it together with the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia. The law on public sector wages is of course under the competencies of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration. A few days ago I spoke with the Minister and in the coming period, the working group will convene in order to include the methodology and the other provisions and will work on the law on public sector wages. I believe that by the end of the year, we will have a draft law that will be available to the public,” said Trenchevska in answer to a journalist’s question.

The law on public sector wages is expected to define the wages of public sector employees and determine the rules based on which they will be managed through an established methodology for a systemic solution to the growth dynamic.