Vane Cvetanov, a former low level Government official best known for switching sides from VMRO to SDSM and being investigated for abuse of office and extortion by both sides, announced that he is fleeing to Bulgaria.

Cvetanov recently began sharing pro-Bulgarian nationalist positions on his social media accounts – a clear indicator that he has taken a dual Bulgarian citizenship and hopes to receive protection from extradition for his current abuse trial from Bulgaria.

I am the victim of political repression. I tried to implement the Bulgarian model of control over registered auditors in my last post, but the Government did not want to use the Bulgarian model, even though Bulgaria invested time and resources in it. I know I will be punished in Macedonia because of political reasons. The prosecutors can’t demand less than 3 years in prison even if they wanted to, given the charge, Cvetanov told the Bulgarian press, adding that he will not return to Macedonia.