Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani expressed his condolences on Monday to the family and loved ones of 14-year-old Vanja Gjorchevska, whose tragic death followed her abduction on November 27. He described this heartbreaking event as a profound tragedy that deeply impacts every citizen.

In a Facebook post, Osmani conveyed his heartfelt sympathies, acknowledging the irreplaceable void left by Vanja’s untimely passing. He expressed solidarity, recognizing the family’s immense grief and the impossibility of fully assuaging their pain.

Osmani emphasized the severity of the crime and assured that it would be met with the harshest penalties. He expressed confidence in the efforts of the Prosecutor’s Office and the police, highlighting their commitment to meticulously investigating every aspect of the case.

Stressing the public’s rightful demand for transparency, Osmani underscored the necessity of confronting the motives and intricacies of the case. He emphasized the importance of dispelling speculation and manipulation through a comprehensive understanding of the incident. Moreover, he advocated for societal growth, emphasizing the need for education, especially for children, while not allowing the tragic event to fade from collective memory.