The mayors of VMRO-DPMNE have shown in the past year that with a lot of work and effort, a lot can be changed and achieved. Through the implementation of a large number of projects of interest to the citizens and improvement of daily living, it was shown that not all are the same, while some steal and lie, the mayors of VMRO-DPMNE with dedicated work brought a better future for the citizens, says VMRO-DPMNE.

Through the “Your idea for change” project, the party offers citizens the opportunity to propose their ideas and projects that they would like to be implemented, all with the aim of jointly planning the development of the municipalities.

In the next two weekends, on December 3-4, as well as on December 10-11, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., citizens will be able to propose projects and ideas that will be included for the 2023 budget year. The plans and projects already planned for the next budget year by the mayors will be presented to all citizens.

At the same time, citizens will be able to submit their proposals online on the website, which will later be reviewed by experts and professionals.

This offers the opportunity to all citizens to participate in the creation of projects financed by municipal public money and to strengthen the participation of citizens in local policies. The mayors of VMRO-DPMNE are focused on creating modern and European municipalities. VMRO-DPMNE is a party that opens doors and through joint action, dedication, and responsibility, with a lot of work creates a better future and hope for all citizens. We create budgets according to the needs and priorities of citizens. Budget by the people for the people. Suggest your idea for changes! Be part of the changes that bring the future, reads the party’s statement.