VMRO-DPMNE issued a statement reiterating the position of the party’s leader Hristijan Mickoski, that they are ready to give up on the idea of a technical Government. The technical Government would include several VMRO officials at key positions, but also a new Prime Minister, who as part of an SDSM – DUI agreement would be an ethnic Albanian, likely nominated by DUI.

DUI is synonymous with crime in Macedonia. Its leader Ali Ahmeti grabbed millions for himself. He has nephews – “entrepreneurs”, who are purchasing valuable properties in downtown Skopje. Artan Grubi is opening casinos with suspicious businessmen from Bulgaria, buys shops in downtown Skopje and ski resorts. This party, so deeply involved in crime, should not be allowed to appoint a clerk in the Government, let alone the Prime Minister, VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement.