Tag: vmro
Macedonia 21.07.24 | 18:47

VMRO: SDSM and DUI were using the official plane 25 days a month

The DUI – SDSM Government used the official plane 25 days in a week, says VMRO-DPMNE in a statement to the press, issued in response to SDSM’s comments that the current Government is wasting too much money for international travel to the NATO summit in Washington and the Blenheim summit in...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 10:22

VMRO tells Filipce he won’t escape accountability with his election as SDSM leader

VMRO-DPMNE warned newly elected SDSM party leader Venko Filipce that he should not expect any leniency in future criminal investigations because of the position he acquired. Filipce was named in numerous corruption scandals over the years, as Healthcare Minister and as top associate of Zoran Zaev. Filipce...

Macedonia 17.06.24 | 17:08

Mickoski: We will return Macedonia to the people, we are creating a Government that is dedicated to returning Macedonia to its rightful place

“It is a great honor to commemorate the creation of the party which, with its existence, was incorporated in the creation of an independent Republic of Macedonia. For over 30 years, it has been a companion through all the troubles, trials, and great joys, sorrows, and celebrations of our homeland,”...

Macedonia 16.06.24 | 21:23

Mickoski nominates Nikoloski, Misajlovski, Kocoska, Toskovski… to sit on the next Government

VMRO-DPMNE President and Prime Minister – elect Hristijan Mickoski announced this evening the members of the next Government. Aleksandar Nikoloski will be named Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transportation. Vladimir Misajlovski will lead the Department of Defense. Gordana Dimitrioska Kocoska...

Macedonia 16.06.24 | 12:43

VMRO-DPMNE will announce the Government ministers

VMRO-DPMNE will hold meetings of its Central and Exectutive committees this afternoon after which the party will announce its candidates for the bulk of the Government that is going to be led by Hristijan Mickoski. After consultations with the smaller coalition partners, the list will be submitted to...

Macedonia 27.05.24 | 18:37

VMRO and VLEN close to a coalition deal, the departments are divided 11:4

Republika has learnt that VMRO-DPMNE and VLEN are close to an agreement on the make-up of the next Government. According to the proposal that is on the table, VMRO would get 11 departments, while VLEN would have four. VMRO officials would be named to the Interior Ministry, Foreign Ministry, the departments...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:44

SEC: VMRO leads SDSM by 58,000 to 19,500 votes

The State Electoral Commission issued a new projection, after having processed almost 20 percent of the votes and 25 percent of all polling stations. It shows VMRO-DPMNE leading SDSM in the general election with 58,252 votes against 19,488 for SDSM, a margin of victory that could put VMRO in a commanding...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:06

First projection indicates landslide victory for VMRO-DPMNE

VMRO-DPMNE began releasing information from the party’s analytical center, that is receiving reports from election observers across the country. With 7.4 percent of the vote counted, VMRO has won 11,197 votes, against just 2,881 for their chief rivals in SDSM. DUI got 4,347, the Albanian opposition...

Macedonia 05.05.24 | 16:49

Mickoski: It won’t be a surprise if we get to 61 votes

I would not be surprised if VMRO-DPMNE wins 61 seats in Parliament, said party leader Hristijan Mickoski. Projections usually placed that party at between 52 and 55 seats, but following the major victory of the VMRO candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova in the first round of the presidential...

Macedonia 04.05.24 | 12:31

VMRO accuses DUI of bribery in cities in eastern Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE accused the ruling DUI party of engaging in extensive bribery of voters, as they try to ward off a serious challenge from the opposition VLEN bloc. DUI officials have been seen even in places like Vinica, Kocani, Berovo and Delcevo, buying votes from citizens gathered in religious temples....

Economy 02.05.24 | 22:54

Within the project for 250 million euros for infrastructural development of the municipalities, a part will be invested in the municipalities in western Macedonia

Speaking from Tetovo, I declare that immediately upon victory and the formation of the government, a significant portion of the budget will be allocated to addressing long-standing infrastructure challenges in Tetovo, Gostivar, Kichevo, Struga, Debar, and several other municipalities in western Macedonia,”...

Macedonia 25.04.24 | 21:59

Mickoski to SDSM and Kovachevski: Don’t be surprised what happened to you yesterday, I will answer you, it happened to you people

It smells like change; the wave has started and there’s no stopping it. What I said when I came here last week has come true. The people do not want to be under the yoke of 100 people from DUI with a state at the service of Ali Ahmeti,” said Hristijan Mickoski, president of VMRO-DPMNE, at...

Macedonia 24.04.24 | 20:14

New projection from VMRO: Siljanovska trounces Pendarovski with more than 2:1 ratio

With 20 percent of the polling stations processed by the VMRO-DPMNE data center, the trends are holding and VMRO candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova maintains a commanding lead over Stevo Pendarovski from SDSM. Siljanovska won 66,482 votes or 44,64 percent of the total, against 28,490 votes...

Macedonia 21.04.24 | 19:52

VMRO-DPMNE rally in Aerodrom (LIVE VIDEO)

VMRO-DPMNE is holding a rally in Skopje’s Aerodrom district. Party leader Hristijan Mickoski and the presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova are giving the key speeches at the event. You can follow the rally live.

Macedonia 20.04.24 | 12:48

Pendarovski dismisses VMRO’s “non-aggression pact” with ZNAM

Stevo Pendarovski, who is running for re-election in the presidential vote, dismissed the move by VMRO-DPMNE to cease in-fighting with other Macedonian parties like ZNAM and Levica. According to Pendarovski, the proposal, which was already accepted by ZNAM, is a “sign of weakness”. We are...

Macedonia 18.04.24 | 20:28

VMRO-DPMNE begins the campaign with a rally in Ohrid (LIVE VIDEO)

VMRO-DPMNE is opening its formal general election campaign this evening, with a large rally in Ohrid. The largest party in Macedonia always begins its campaigns in the cultural capital of Macedonia. You can follow the rally live.

Macedonia 04.04.24 | 21:15

Large VMRO rally in downtown Skopje (LIVE)

VMRO-DPMNE is holding the first major rally of the election campaign. Tens of thousands of people are gathered in downtown Skopje, in front of the Government building, to express determination for change in the direction of the country. You can follow the rally live, on the party’s Youtube channel.

Macedonia 04.04.24 | 09:27

VMRO-DPMNE: The last battle for Macedonia starts today, at 20:00 before the Government, for the changes that are in your hands

For six and a half years, Macedonia has endured humiliation, oppression, and plundering. SDS has decimated our nation, setting Macedonia’s progress back. During their tenure, GDP growth per capita has stagnated at a mere 20%, while neighboring countries have experienced growth rates exceeding 50%....

Macedonia 31.03.24 | 16:40

VMRO-DPMNE will hold a large rally in Skopje on Thursday

VMRO-DPMNE will hold a large rally in Skopje, on Thursday evening. VMRO leader Hristijan Mickoski urged all supporters to come before the Government building at 20h. “Together, united, we will send a message that the people is stronger than this Government and we will give the country back to the...

Macedonia 29.03.24 | 13:22

Mickoski: The coalition of VMRO-DPMNE “Your Macedonia” stands behind the wave of changes that should ensure a stable and strong Macedonia

Today we signed a Charter for strategic coalition and establishing the principles of future work of the Coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE called “Your Macedonia”, said at today’s press conference the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski. The coalition of VMRO-DPMNE “Your Macedonia”...
