VMRO-DPMNE will soon announce the second and third step in its push to force early elections. The party is already blocking almost all legislation in Parliament.

On Monday we will hold a meeting of the Executive Committee. We will discuss our next two steps. This is a strategy that will last a long time, not an instant action that will end today or tomorrow. I don’t expect them to leave their positions so easily because they know they won’t get a second chance soon, and that is why they cling to power, Mickoski said.

Mickoski said that the party will block the proposed changes to the law on the state lottery, under which the DUI party attempts to create a new, separate lottery, under its control. Mickoski called on the SDSM – DUI coalition to agree to a vote on a different law instead, that would lend 63 million EUR for the municipalities, that are hard hit by the energy crisis and had to divert infrastructure spending toward paying their electricity bills.