The future Prime Minister, Hristijan Mickoski, will respect the legal order and Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. He also pledged to provide unwavering support to the national identity and pride of the Macedonian people. This was the key takeaway from his interview with Sitel yesterday, where Mickoski stated that he will take the oath in accordance with the constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia. He emphasized the importance of executive power holders serving as examples to citizens in respecting the Constitution and the laws.

Mickoski added that he will use the name “Macedonia” in everyday use, reaffirming his commitment to protecting the national identity.

“We cannot ask citizens to respect the laws if we break them ourselves,” said Mickoski, underscoring the importance of the rule of law and the consistent application of laws by all citizens, including politicians.

He further explained the critical importance of not misleading citizens about the constitutional name of the state.

“It is known what the constitutional name is; it includes the adjective,” Mickoski stated.