Very brave like this on Facebook”, “Why didn’t you say this on the podium?”, “Why are you an MP”, are just some of the comments that citizens left under the status of the MP from SDSM and yesterday’s Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska Stojchevska, through which she said that the new parliamentary speaker Afrim Gashi violated the Constitution and the Law on the Macedonian language by taking the oath first in Macedonian and then in Albanian. What neither she nor any of her party members from SDSM who received parliamentary mandates in the new The assembly did not come to speak and did not get up even once to participate in the discussion that took place yesterday, which angered the citizens as well as the other members of the SDSM.

The first to react was Andrej Petrov, who called them out publicly in the “Sitel” news, saying that he was “embarrassed” by the behavior of the MPs from SDSM, and many other party members joined him.