VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski indicated yesterday in “Click Plus” on TV21 that it is enough to compare three databases from the IRS, Cadastre and Central Registry, and see which persons have disproportionate parameters. He announced that the VMRO-DPMNE government intends to deal with this.

“You don’t need a blacklist, you just need to compare three databases: IRS, Cadastre and Central Registry, and you will see who are the people in Macedonia who have disproportionate parameters. Here I will take myself as an example. If I have earned 100 coins and my property is 10,000 coins, it is normal for someone to ask me how I earned it. You may have inherited from a rich uncle. And, I speak for all citizens, and that’s why I say that the future government of VMRO-DPMNE has a serious intention to deal with all this, and I and my family want to be the first. Here, let them start from us”, Mickoski said last night.