And somebody will ask what is so unfair, wrong, unjust, what is that that you, like VMRO-DPMNE, think is injustice in the Republic of Macedonia today. The answer is clear, not us, thousands of citizens in the Republic of Macedonia in one voice say that it is injustice when you are abusing human destinies with lower passions, just to money and power. And you remember when he was convincing us at those voyeur press conferences that journalist Nikola Mladenov’s death was not a tragic event, but a murder. You remember how he said he had materials, that he would release them, that it was an order, so that years later the roles have changed, that Zoran Zaev is today prime minister. Nikola Mladenov’s wife publicly said that he practically said that it was an unfortunate event. You remember Neskovski, I’m sure that he does not know how his family lives today, he does not know, he neither asked how they make ends meet nor visited them again. And n that he built his career and press conferences, he headed a colored revolution across the country, and where he is now, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Miskoski said Wednesday at a rally in Negotino, as part of the campaign for the upcoming 2019 presidential elections.

He asked the audience if they remember when Zoran Zaev said there was no justice, no peace. He said that we have seen the justice of Zoran Zaev, he gave draconic sentences to people, who’s only sin was loving their homeland, for being patriots.