On September 8, Independence Day, President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova sent a message of congratulations to all of the citizens. She emphasized that it is our responsibility to put aside our differences and come together in support of the public interest and the common good. Let’s unite and make Macedonia a decent place to live.

On September 8, 1991, Macedonian citizens, using the right to self-determination, expressed their will and voted in huge numbers for a sovereign and independent Macedonian republic. Apart from the referendum ballot, that will was also expressed through the beaming faces of the thousands of citizens who spontaneously gathered at the “Macedonia” square, where they rejoiced at independence with great enthusiasm and hope for the future, the congratulation reads.

With that act, the president continues, they, we, the people of Macedonia, wisely, democratically, and peacefully, in compliance with the United Nations Charter, departed from the disintegrating federation and entered a new era of Macedonian statehood.
She further points out that it is our duty to put divisions aside and unite around the common good and public interest.

We must invest all our personal and institutional capacities to make the Macedonian republic a decent place to live, which will give equal chances for progress to all its citizens, a republic that will be caring towards the best, inclusive towards the different, solidarity towards the vulnerable and fair to everyone, states the president in the congratulation.

He underlines that we will only be able to allow the next generation to realize their right to pursue happiness at home, in the common homeland where they will work, start families, and build a future, if we Europeanize the state, uphold the rule of law, combat corruption, maintain functional institutions, and have a competitive economy and merit system.

– This is the only way we will restore hope and restore the enthusiasm from the beginning of Macedonian independence. Let us have a happy September 8 – Independence Day!, the president announced on the occasion of September 8 – Independence Day.