Mustafa Hajrulahi, head of the High public prosecutors’ office, has insisted to give a testimony to Bitola prosecutors, as the office continues to drag out a proposed investigation into prosecutors Fatime Fetai and Saso Rajcev.

The two are suspected of helping journalist Marjan Stamenkovski – Dokaz intimidate and extort other journalists, businessmen, officials and even people from the church. According to Hajrulahi, the proposal to investigate Fetai and Rajcev has been made in May 2023, but Bitola prosecutor Olivera Necakovska has dragged out the process.

I insisted to give a testimony before Necakovska, which I did on June 13th 2024. I presented the findings of my investigation and I submitted a copy of the review of Stamenovski’s articles, in which he admits that he was writing upon demand from the two prosecutors, said prosecutor Hajrulahi.

He told Republika that the failure of the prosecutors to investigate the actions of their two colleagues falls under the term of former chief state prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski. He raises suspicions about the process in which it was decided that this case is investigated in Bitola, even though both suspected prosecutors are from Skopje.

There is obvious intent to have the case collapse due to the statute of limitations, which comes into place after two years. That is the intent, Hajrulahi told Republika, adding that there are additional disciplinary proceedings against the prosecutors, but that the service is facing interference from “powerful people in the judiciary” to drag this process out as well. Fetai in particular is well know as a politically linked prosecutor – she was part of the now thoroughly disgraced Special Prosecutor’s Office led by Katica Janeva, and was prominently featured with Janeva and another prosecutor Lence Ristovska during the Colored Revolution protests as part of a “crime fighting Charlie’s Angels trio”. The investigations were used to damage the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party, prosecute its officials until they were well into opposition, elevate Zoran Zaev’s SDSM party to power and impose a name change on Macedonia.

Hajrulahi announced that he will also submit a report to the Council of state prosecutors for failure of his colleagues to act in a timely fashion. This report will also be submitted to the Skopje and Bitola prosecutor offices.

If charges from a high public prosecutor like me can be ignored, we can only imagine what is happening with reports from ordinary citizens who seek justice. This is why public trust in the judiciary is so low, practically zero, said Hajrulahi.