It is sad to see how a criminalized leadership drags DUI into the abyss. DUI’s request for international vetting can compete for first place in the “funniest moments” category, VREDI comments.

Is there a more credible international vetting of a politician than the US blacklist? To have a Ramiz Merko in your ranks, to have Menduh Thaci as your main political emissary, and to talk about international vetting is a brazen underestimation of the Albanians, from whom you have sought support in elections for 22 years.

Trying to deceive the public now with the thesis that the corrupt are in other parties, and thus wanting to present yourself as a victim, just because the time is coming for your corrupt former officials to answer for enriching themselves with public money, is cowardly and shameful. The Albanian people will not be held hostage to the efforts of this criminal DUI leadership to keep their privileges from the 22-year regime.

Judicial responsibility for committed political corruption cannot be an international problem. It is homework for the state system. That is why VLEN proposes a systemic solution as a constitutional mechanism that will enable criminal responsibility for the act and confiscation of illegally acquired property.

Vetting is an ethical and moral control that can possibly prevent delay in politics. Therefore, DUI crime doctors are silent for 48 hours about the Constitutional Amendment of VLEN to prevent the statute of limitations of criminal prosecution for committed political corruption. This behavior of the criminal leadership of DUI is the best evidence that they never wanted to fight against political corruption, but their goal has always been to become doctors of crime and get rich on the backs of Albanians, says the reaction of “VREDI”.