Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 06.04.22 | 13:01

Bulgaria plans to speed up the issuing of dual passports in Macedonia and other countries in the region

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev convened a meeting of top Government officials to put forward a new policy on issuing passports to ethnic Bulgarian abroad. Under this policy, during the previous administrations, Bulgaria has issued between 80 and 120 thousand passports to Macedonian citizens, as well...

Macedonia 06.04.22 | 11:05

VMRO-DPMNE: Total secrecy surrounding the talks with Bulgaria only increases suspicions that we are headed for a new defeat

The VMRO-DPMNE party warns that, since Bulgaria is openly celebrating the apparent new deal it has negotiated with the Kovacevski Government, it will definitely be harmful to Macedonian national interests. The SDSM – DUI Government puts the Macedonian people in a subordinated position that directly...

Macedonia 05.04.22 | 17:28

We seek truth and justice, we publicly ask Talat Xhaferi, whom does he want to protect?

The families of the victims who lost their lives in the bus tragedy in Bulgaria, in a letter to the media today, publicly ask whom does the Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, want to protect and why he does not allow a parliamentary investigation into the case. Now that we no longer have our loved ones,...

Macedonia 05.04.22 | 11:09

State Department prods Macedonia and Bulgaria to sign a new treaty

The US State Department said that it welcomes efforts by Bulgaria and Macedonia to finalize their agreement on the latest historic disputes that block Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. In its statement, the State Department insists that there are Russian efforts to spread political discord in...

Macedonia 03.04.22 | 15:12

Osmani blames unnamed “people and institutions” in Macedonia of working against his deal with Bulgaria, being in league with Russia

During a press briefing, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani alleged that unnamed people and institutions in Macedonia were making calls to Bulgaria to ask that no agreement is reached between the two countries. According to Osmani, the position was that Macedonia is facing early elections and any agreement...

Macedonia 03.04.22 | 13:36

Osmani: We already agreed to jointly honor historic figures with Bulgaria, the issue now is how to teach this in schools

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said that a decision between Macedonia and Bulgaria to jointly honor medieval historic figures such as Tsar Samoil, saints Cyril and Methodius and St. Clement of Ohrid was made. It seems that this will be the focus of the discussions between Macedonian and Bulgarian historians...

Macedonia 02.04.22 | 20:36

Bulgarian PM Petkov blames the veto against Macedonia on Russian agents!?

Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov directly accused Russia of planting agents who worked to worsen relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. The relations are at a low point after the previous, Boyko Borisov Government in Bulgaria, placed a veto on Macedonia’s EU accession talks and raised deeply...

Macedonia 02.04.22 | 16:34

Macedonian activist confronted Bulgarian PM Petkov over the ban on Macedonian organizations

A Macedonian activist confronted Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov in Blagoevgrad on Thursday, asking him when is Bulgaria going to allow Macedonians to freely set up their organizations. Over a dozen times Macedonian groups from Blagoevgrad and other cities in the region of Pirin Macedonia, have...

Macedonia 02.04.22 | 16:03

Kovacevski tells Bulgaria he is willing to amend the Constitution in a year and half, if there is a good compromise on the language dispute

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski laid out what he thinks would be a good solution for this current stage in the dispute with Bulgaria, that would allow Macedonia to open its EU accession talks. Kovacevski said that Macedonia would agree to amend its Constitution in about a year and half – when...

Macedonia 01.04.22 | 15:39

Bulgarian historians say that the Macedonian side agreed to major concessions on the issue of Tsar Samoil

Bulgarian members of the joint historic committee with Bulgaria say that the discussion on the medieval period, especially the legacy of Tsar Samoil, is practically finished. If confirmed, this would be a major step forward that would allow Bulgaria to lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession...

Macedonia 01.04.22 | 11:27

Bulgarian Foreign Ministry is “greatly surprised” at the low number of Bulgarians in the census in Macedonia

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry formally expressed its “surprise” that only 3,504 people in Macedonia registered as ethnic Bulgarians. Bulgaria was hoping this number will run into tens of thousands, after it issued between 80 and 120 thousands dual passports to Macedonian citizens. The Republic...

Macedonia 31.03.22 | 17:54

Government appointed historian went from issuing dire warnings about Bulgaria to announcing that we are on the verge of agreement

Optimistic announcements from historian Dragi Gjorgiev, who leads the Macedonian delegation in the joint committee with Bulgaria, raised eyebrows, since Gjorgiev was the one who was recently warning the public about the heavy-handed Bulgarian demands. The committee is meeting today and tomorrow, and...

Macedonia 31.03.22 | 17:32

Bulgarian President Radev says that the census shows that Bulgarians in Macedonia live in fear

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev met with EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi to discuss the relations with Macedonia after the census, that showed only 3,500 Bulgarians in Macedonia. This is a major problem for Bulgaria, which wanted to see the number reflect the over 80,000 dual citizenships...

Macedonia 29.03.22 | 21:50

Bulgarian coalition partners are meeting this evening to discuss their next steps on Macedonia

Bulgarian coalition partners are meeting this evening to discuss about their position on Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Bulgaria has been blocking Macedonia from making the next step on the path to the EU since 2020, but, with new concessions from Skopje expected in the coming days, Sofia will...

Balkans 28.03.22 | 11:58

If it were not for the USSR, Bulgaria would remain just a region, reminds the Russian Ambassador

If it were not for the USSR, only the Sofia region would remain from Bulgaria, said Russian Ambassador to Bulgaria, Eleonora Mitrofanova in her reaction to the initiative to remove the Soviet Army monument in central Sofia. If it were not for the USSR, only the Sofia region would remain from Bulgaria,...

Macedonia 25.03.22 | 12:07

Kovacevski downplays hopes that Bulgaria will lift its veto in June

With June approaching, and with it the first chance for Bulgaria to lift its veto, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski sought to downplay expectations. Speaking to the press from Brussels, Kovacevski said that he does not want to get tied to dates when the accession talks would finally begin. We need realistic...

Macedonia 23.03.22 | 14:19

Macedonia has never been more humiliated

The latest set of demands linked to the dispute Bulgaria is imposing on Macedonia have raised the already high bar of humiliation for the country. Macedonia is expected to amend its Constitution and include the Bulgarian minority in it – without the right to ask for some kind of reciprocity from...

Macedonia 22.03.22 | 18:17

Students from Macedonia and Bulgaria to study free of charge at universities in both countries

Students from Bulgaria and Macedonia will be able to study free of charge at universities in both countries, with governments annually funding up to four bachelor and master studies, along with five scholarships for a single semester. All students are eligible to apply, except for those in medicine,...

Macedonia 22.03.22 | 11:39

Thaw in relations with Bulgaria could again be reduced to an airplane selfie

The much vaunted new approach in relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria risks being reduced to several airplane selfies – just like the previous period of EU optimism was marked by Zoran Zaev’s airplane selfie. That picture had Zaev with some of his top officials announcing to the public...

Macedonia 22.03.22 | 11:30

Bulgarian community representatives want to be made part of the accession talks between Skopje and Sofia

Representatives of Bulgarians in Macedonia want to be made part of the negotiations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Petar Kolev from the GDU party, which is positioning itself as the main voice of Bulgarians in Macedonia, says that this is the only way to ensure their representation. We want guarantees...
