Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 31.03.21 | 23:25

Karakacanov: Only schizophrenic American bureaucrats see a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacanov reacted angrily after the US State Department, in its annual human rights report, noted thet Bulgaria continues to refuse Macedonian minority organizations to even register, let alone become active. The report cites OMO Ilinden and other Macedonian organizations...

Macedonia 31.03.21 | 19:57

Foreign Minister Osmani says relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria have hit an all time low

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani observed that Macedonia’s relations with Bulgaria have reached an all time low, after Bulgaria’s blockade of Macedonia’s EU accession talks and the daily exchange of angry comments, insults and accusations. Osmani blamed the coming elections in Bulgaria...

Macedonia 29.03.21 | 23:39

VMRO-DPMNE and the Foreign Ministry protest after Bulgarian member of the European Parliament shares a nationalist video

The Macedonain Foreign Affairs Ministry and the VMRO-DPMNE party issued a protest to Bulgaria after the latest nationalist outburst from Bulgarian member of the European Parliament Angel Dzhambazki. Dzhambazki, who is part of the VMRO-BND party which is in Prime Minister Borisov’s coalition, threatened...

Macedonia Sport 29.03.21 | 22:41

Macedonia beats Bulgaria 5:1 at the U-21 tournament in Turkey

The Macedonian U-21 football team beat Bulgaria 5:1 at the Antalya Cup tournament in Turkey. Our team scored early in the first half, in the 10th and 30th minute. The Bulgarians made it 2:1 in the 50th minute, only to provoke an even tougher response and receive three more goals. Metodija Maksimov scored...

Macedonia 28.03.21 | 13:31

Bulgaria protests Zaev’s ties to a Slovenian think tank and the harassment of a Bulgarian citizen transporting books on the border with Macedonia

Bulgaria sent a note of protest to Macedonia after a low rent Slovenian think tank linked to the Zaev regime published a report critical of Bulgaria. Zaev has hired people from the IFIMES International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies as his advisers and the institute has frequently published...

Balkans 24.03.21 | 18:20

Bulgaria will conduct its census in September

Bulgaria announced it will hold its census in September. The operation will begin on September 7th and will last a little under a month. Much of it will be conducted online, to avoid spreading the coronavirus among the population.  September is also the period when the Macedonian opposition VMRO-DPMNE...

Macedonia 23.03.21 | 15:31

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Zaharieva officially protests the criticism of singer Vasil Garvanliev

The Bulgarian Foreign Affairs Ministry summoned the Macedonian deputy Ambassador to protest discrimination against Bulgarians in Macedonia, namely the outrage aimed at singer Vasil Garvanliev. Garvanliev revealed that he is a dual Bulgarian – Macedonian citizen after he was named Macedonia’s...

Macedonia 23.03.21 | 15:23

German NGO condemns Bulgaria for blocking Macedonia’s EU accession

The German NGO group Just Access issued a report condemning Bulgaria for its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession prospects. According to the organization, Macedonia should be able to initiate an dispute before international courts. Bulgaria’s strategy of intimidation and improper pressure takes...

Macedonia 23.03.21 | 09:56

Bulgaria calls on Zaev to finally keep the promises he made

With the general elections in Bulgaria drawing closer (April 4) pressure is growing on Zoran Zaev to deliver on what he promised to Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. Borisov was the only person to congratulate Zaev on his re-election as party leader over the weekend, and in a joint statement with...

Balkans 22.03.21 | 17:42

Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry declares two Russian diplomats persona non grata

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry has declared two Russian diplomats persona non grata and has given them 72 hours to leave the country, the Ministry said on Monday. The move was prompted by the diplomats’ involvement in “activities incompatible with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations”. On...

Macedonia 19.03.21 | 19:05

Macedonian historians strongly denounce the Bulgarian EU memorandum

Macedonian historians have strongly denounced the memorandum which Bulgaria distributed to the European Council and is using as a basis to block Macedonia’s EU accession talks. The extensive memorandum was leaked today and it in Bulgaria declares that the Macedonian nation did not exist until 1944...

Macedonia 19.03.21 | 11:35

“Macedonian language” or ethnicity didn’t exist until August 2, 1944: Bulgaria’s memorandum published

The document with which Bulgaria sets conditions for Macedonia on which the country’s negotiating process depends has been published by the Bulgarian BGNES agency in detail. The document is divided into several points: introductory part, historical overview, general history, current situation,...

Macedonia 17.03.21 | 17:00

Ahmeti announces that a deal with Bulgaria is “not far”

DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti announced that Macedonia is close to an agreement with Bulgaria in the dispute over national identity and history. Ahmeti met with the EU Ambassador to Macedonia David Geer in the DUI office in Tetovo, and said that “We are not far from agreement with Sofia in which...

Macedonia 16.03.21 | 22:14

Nikoloski denounced Denko Maleski for his latest pro-Bulgarian statement

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski strongly condemned professor Denko Maleski, former Foreign Affairs Minister from the SDSM ranks, for his claim that Macedonia has no medieval history and is a nation formed by the circumstance of geo-politics. Under the Prespa Treaty, Macedonia was forced...

Macedonia 16.03.21 | 18:00

Zaev condemns Bulgaria for its veto against Macedonia

Zoran Zaev condemned Bulgaria for its blockade of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. ‌In an interview with a paper in Luxembourg, where he is visiting, Zaev said that the Bulgarian approach is contrary to European values. With this behavior, EU would not have existed. Europeans looked toward the...

Macedonia 15.03.21 | 18:44

Leaked document shows that Zaev personally intervened to allow several groups of passengers through the Macedonian – Bulgarian border

A leaked border police report published by the Kurir web site shows that Prime Minister Zoran Zaev personally called the officers at the Deve Bair border crossing with Bulgaria to urge them to let several vehicles into the country. The report was made on the night between Saturday and Sunday. It states...

Macedonia 14.03.21 | 16:26

After announcing he will remove the Bulgarian flag from his video, Macedonia’s Eurovision contestant Garvanliev confirms he also has Bulgarian citizenship

There are new developments in one of the stupider side-shows in the growing dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria. In a video, Macedonia’s Eurovision contestant Vasil Garvanliev acknowledged that he has dual citizenship and is also a Bulgarian citizen. The interview gained prominence after it...

Macedonia 12.03.21 | 13:35

Commissioner Varhelyi calls on Macedonia to quickly resolve the dispute with Bulgaria

European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi called on Macedonia to resolve the dispute with Bulgaria as soon as possible, so that it may be allowed to open EU accession talks. Asked about the prospects that Macedonia opens EU accession talks, Varhelyi said that the dispute with Bulgaria needs to...

Macedonia 11.03.21 | 17:12

Karakachanov: I don’t understand the stormy reactions to the published names from Bulgaria’s voter list

Bulgarian Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Krasimir Karakachanov said he was surprised by the stormy reactions in the country after today he made allegations that a number of VMRO-DPMNE officials had dual citizenship. I never said that the names I published belong to Macedonian MPs or VMRO-DPMNE...

Macedonia 11.03.21 | 15:19

78th anniversary of the Holocaust of the Macedonian Jews

Macedonia marks the 78th anniversary of the deportation of the Macedonian Jews today. The deportation from the territories occupied by Bulgaria in Macedonia and in Greece began on March 11th 1943, on orders from Germany, and over 7,000 Jews were deported from Macedonia – mainly from Skopje, Bitola...
