Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 04.02.23 | 09:43

Bulgarian Interior Minister Demerdziev plans to escort a group of Bulgarians to the St. Spas church

Bulgarian Interior Minister Ivan Demerdziev, who is in Skopje for the honoring of Goce Delcev, confirmed that a group of Bulgarians will try to visit Delcev’s grave in the St. Spas church. I will personally meet the Bulgarians in Skopje and together we will lay flowers on Goce Delcev’s grave,...

Macedonia 30.01.23 | 15:52

Kovacevski doesn’t reveal whether a Bulgarian delegation will come to the grave of Goce Delcev for his birth anniversary

At the level of relations between the two sides, de-escalation is needed from both sides and it is good that the statement coming from official Sofia is that they want de-escalation, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said today. Regarding whether there is an officially announced delegation from Bulgaria...

Macedonia 30.01.23 | 12:27

Dimitrov: We have become a Bulgarian province, every morning the government is apologizing to Bulgaria

The government should not behave like a Bulgarian province and take measures against MEP Angel Dzhambazki if he plans provocations on February 4, former Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov said on a Telma morning show. These are territorial claims and we must behave as a state, not as a Bulgarian province,...

Macedonia 30.01.23 | 09:06

Authorities to check the financing of the Bulgarian associations and the origin of the money

The submissive attitude of the government contributed to Macedonia being humiliated by Bulgaria. The spine bending is the cause of Bulgaria’s demands, which are increasing every day, VMRO-DPMNE notes. According to the party, this government permanently damaged Macedonian positions and put the country...

Macedonia Balkans 28.01.23 | 10:39

Bulgaria adopts declaration: Macedonia should immediately stop the aggressive anti-Bulgarian manifestations and manipulations of the past

The Bulgarian Foreign Affairs Committee in Parliament adopted a declaration for Macedonia which will be submitted for voting in the plenary hall. The document, as stated, “categorically condemns the acts of violence against the Bulgarians in Macedonia, their organizations and clubs, and especially...

Macedonia 27.01.23 | 16:03

Bulgaria writes a “black list”, which also includes Macedonian journalists, politicians, professors…

There is a Bulgarian “black list” that contains names and surnames from Macedonia. Journalists, professors, and politicians from Macedonia, whom Bulgaria considers to be working against Bulgarian interests, will not be able to set foot on Bulgarian territory, says political analyst Sinisa...

Macedonia 27.01.23 | 09:56

Kovacevski to explain how is it possible to create a cold diplomatic war with Bulgaria after everything they signed?

Kovacevski to explain how it is possible to create a cold diplomatic war with Bulgaria after everything they signed, the leniency is a consequence of the vulnerability due to the enormous crime, says VMRO-DPMNE. The escalation of relations with Bulgaria is a consequence of the leniency and spine-bending...

Macedonia 26.01.23 | 15:53

Mickoski on Bulgaria: I am appalled by the stupid behavior of the government, they swallow everything

I can truly say that what I am seeing is something that we warned would happen, says VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, answering journalist’s questions about the situation with Bulgaria after today’s visit to Kisela Voda. First, what is troubling is the fact that this Government, despite...

Macedonia 26.01.23 | 14:37

MFA: Latest activities from Bulgaria are not in accordance with the agreed practice for the promotion of relations

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the latest activities of official Sofia are not in accordance with the agreed practice for the promotion of mutual relations. The withdrawal of the Bulgarian ambassador from the country, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is an unfounded and unsupported...

Macedonia 26.01.23 | 10:47

Leniency towards Bulgaria brought a new blockade

The leniency towards Bulgaria prompted by the protection of the crime of Kovacevski and Ahmeti brought a new blockade, they accepted what Bulgaria demanded, and the relations escalated, notes VMRO-DPMNE. VMRO-DPMNE called for a timely reaction with protest notes and a firm stance, SDS remained silent....

Macedonia 24.01.23 | 11:13

Bulgarian Minister Milkov lobbies his EU colleagues over the growing tensions with Macedonia

Bulgarian acting Foreign Minister Nikolay Milkov is using his meetings at the European Council in Brussels today to push for support over the latest round of incidents with Macedonia. Bulgaria demands accountability from Macedonia after a Bulgarian activist from Ohrid was badly beaten last week. I informed...

Macedonia 23.01.23 | 18:58

Bulgaria warns Macedonia that its EU accession talks will be blocked until ethnic Bulgarians are safe

Bulgarian Deputy Foreign Minister Velislava Petrova warned Macedonia that it will face another veto of its EU accession talks, following the severe beating of a Bulgarian activist in Ohrid. Until Bulgarians in Macedonia are protected, Macedonia will not begin its EU accession talks. It is important that...

Macedonia 23.01.23 | 17:50

After the incident in Ohrid, Kovacevski blames Bulgarian nationalists of trying to block Macedonia’s EU accession

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski spoke out about the incident in Ohrid last week, where a local Bulgarian activist Hristijan Pendikov was badly beaten up in a possible hate crime attack. Kovacevski, who now faces a renewed veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks from Bulgaria over the incident,...

Macedonia 06.01.23 | 20:10

Bishop Agatangel: Our politicians undermined our relations with the Bulgarian people

In a Christmas interview with Vecer, bishop Agatangel of Veles condemned the policies of the Government that undermine the Macedonian national identity and allow the rewriting of Macedonian history. According to bishop Agatangel, the policies of appeasement, including toward Bulgaria, have soured relations...

Balkans 08.12.22 | 19:12

Macedonia is not even mentioned: Greece and Bulgaria will jointly erect a Goce Delcev monument in Banica

Bulgaria and Greece will jointly erect a monument to Goce Delcev in the village of Banica where he was killed, the Bulgarian media have announced. The initiative comes from the Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou. I will support the initiative to erect a memorial to Goce Delcev in the village of...

Balkans 08.12.22 | 18:46

The Netherlands maintains position on blockade: No Schengen for Bulgaria

Croatia has received the go-ahead to join Europe’s passport-free Schengen area in January 2023, Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan announced on Thursday. Croatia “really has done everything” to enter the Schengen area, Rakušan said, but expressed his disappointment that Bulgaria and Romania...

Balkans 03.12.22 | 11:18

The Netherlands will block Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen area due to corruption and organized crime

The Netherlands will vote next week against Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen and will support the membership of Romania and Croatia, BNT reports. The government in The Hague took the decision at its meeting on December 2. Schengen enlargement is on the agenda of the Council of interior ministers...

Culture 02.12.22 | 10:16

Museums from Macedonia, Bulgaria and Serbia agree joint activities

The Archeological Museum of Macedonia, the National Archeological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the National Museum of Serbia yesterday in Sofia signed agreements establishing joint activities. The main purpose of the agreements is to implement a joint project between the three national...

Macedonia 26.11.22 | 21:50

New Bulgarian nationalist leader advocates the unification with Macedonia into a “greater Bulgarian state”

Bulgarian politician Kostadin Kostadinov, who is now at the forefront of the dispute with Macedonia, is not only focused against our country. His frequent targets include the Roma and the illegal migrants crossing through Bulgaria. Kostadinov became notorious in Macedonia with his statements declaring...

Macedonia 26.11.22 | 19:19

Macedonian Orthodox Church rejects the ongoing negotiations about its historic legacy with Bulgaria

The Macedonian Orthodox Church responded to reports that the joint historic commission with Bulgaria is now stuck on the historic narrative about the rise of the church. Bishop Petar of Bitola came out with a statement that the Archbishopry of Ohrid was never Bulgarian – an issue which he says...
