Tag: drugs
Macedonia 08.11.21 | 18:58

Large quantity of synthetic drugs seized in a Skopje raid reportedly coordinated with the DEA

A large police raid, reportedly supported by the US DEA organization, led to the seizure of hundreds of kilograms of synthetic drugs. The drugs were flown into the Skopje airport, hidden in a shipment of mobile phone parts that were ordered by a phone store in the capital. Customs office allowed the...

Macedonia 13.10.21 | 16:56

Group of Albanian and Macedonian marijuana smugglers arrested on the border with Greece

Two Albanian citizens were arrested near the Gevgelija border crossing between Macedonia and Greece, as they were transporting 70 kilograms of marijuana. This led to the arrest of four additional persons – two citizens of Albania and two of Macedonia. The arrests were performed on Tuesday, after...

Macedonia 26.09.21 | 14:39

VMRO-DPMNE: Are MoI vehicles used for drug trafficking, nobody believes that the drugs have been in the vehicle for 5 years?

SDSM has institutionalized crime, accuses VMRO-DPMNE, asking whether Interior Ministry’s vehicles are used for drug trafficking?!  No matter how much Spasovski tries to justify himself and gives banal excuses, he cannot explain the fact how the Montenegrin police knew that there were drugs in...

Macedonia 24.09.21 | 23:42

Tortevski: How did they instantly find that the drugs were forgotten?

Lawyer Aleksandar Tortevski reacted after yesterday the Ministry of Interior said that the drugs found on the Albanian-Montenegrin border in a car driven by police officers were forgotten.  According to Tortevski, only a seriously conducted prosecutor and court procedure can show whether this was the...

Macedonia 24.09.21 | 15:31

Kovacki: The drugs scandal in Montenegro shows an extreme case of abuse of office

The scandal involving the smuggling of drugs to Montenegro by Macedonian Interior Ministry officials is the worst kind of abuse of office, said VMRO-DPMNE official Dragan Kovacki. Two high ranking Interior Ministry officials were briefly detained in Montenegro two days ago, when several dozens kilograms...

Macedonia 24.09.21 | 11:59

Interior Ministry claims that its officials carried drugs to Montenegro “by mistake”

A new bizzare scandal involving drug trafficking is developing in Macedonia, after a vehicle of the Interior Ministry, carrying two high ranking officials was found to have a secret compartment with several dozens of kilograms of marijuana derived drugs. The Montenegrin Customs Office seized the drugs...

Macedonia 28.07.21 | 12:03

Large drug raid in Skopje, one of the detained suspects is a police officer

A large police raid in Skopje led to the arrest of 12 people, including one police officers. The Interior Ministry confirmed that an operation is on-going, and announced more details for later in the day. The arrests were conducted in the north-eastern parts of the capital.

Macedonia 31.05.21 | 13:35

North Columbia: Greece intercepts marijuana shipment from Macedonia

A shipment of 167 kilograms of marijuana was intercepted at the Gevgelija border crossing between Macedonia and Greece. A 37 year old citizen of Macedonia was trying to smuggle the drugs to Greece hiding them in his truck. The man was also carrying a gun. He was found out by a trained dog. Under Zaev,...

Macedonia 12.05.21 | 19:57

Report: Drugs grown for “medicinal purposes” in Macedonia end up on the black market

In a new report, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime warns that marijuana grown ostensibly for medicinal purposes in Macedonia is being sold on the black market. The marijuana business grew exponentially under the Zaev regime, which awards growing licenses to cronies and members...

Macedonia 13.04.21 | 16:47

Drug dealer arrested near Kumanovo

A drug trafficker was detained in Kumanovo today. The 36 year ol dma was caught with marijuana and powdered substance which is being examined. It’s the latest in a series of arrests of drug traffickers in Macedonia. The most notable case, last Friday near Prilep, touched directly on Prime Minister...

Macedonia 09.04.21 | 23:19

Arsovski: New affair involving the Zaev cartel in sight, is the van in which the drugs were seized owned by company of the Zaev family?

The spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE, Dimce Arsovski, announces that a new affair is in sight in which members of the Zaev family are involved. According to Arsovski, although the Ministry of Interior is silent and in a panic, unofficial information says that in the police operation led by the United States’...

Macedonia 09.04.21 | 18:30

Senior police officer and close friend of Zaev and Spasovski detained in major police operation

Senior police officer who was detained today in a major police operation, in which a large quantity of drugs was seized, was close to the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and the Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, claim Republika sources. According to them, the senior police officer from Prilep often appeared...

Macedonia 26.03.21 | 14:42

Drug investigation against two Albanian mafia gangs leaked, the main suspects escaped

Organized crime prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska confirmed that the investigation into two gangs of the Albanian drug mafia were leaked and that only a small quantity of drugs was seized. The main bosses of the two groups have fled before they could be arrested, she added. A total of 13 people were detained...

Macedonia 08.02.21 | 11:23

Detention ordered after the arrest of four drug dealers in Prilep

The Prilep court ordered 30 days detention for four drug dealers who were arrested yesterday with marijuana, cocaine, heroin and amphetamines. The four men, aged between 31 and 35, were observed for several months. Two of them would procure the drugs and package them in smaller quantities, and afterwards...

Macedonia Balkans 07.12.20 | 23:49

Shots fired as a major police raid is being conducted near Skopje

A major police operation is being conducted in the village of Aracinovo near Skopje. Official information is scarce, but witnesses are saying that a shoot-out occurred during the raid. According to unofficial reports, the police seized a large quantity of drugs, as well as weapons. Aracinovo, one of...

Macedonia 26.10.20 | 16:44

Turkish citizen caught with 110 kilos of hashish near Ohrid

Ohrid prosecutors filed charges against a Turkish citizen who was caught with 110 kilograms of hashish yesterday. The man was caught on the Resen – Ohrid road while transporting 114 packs of drugs. Officers believe he was supposed to deliver the drugs to someone.

Macedonia 25.10.20 | 14:43

Cocaine dealer arrested in Kicevo

Police officers seized 100 grams of cocaine from a drug dealer in Kicevo yesterday evening. The 38 year old man threw a small ball from his car once he was intercepted by the police. After the arrest, his home was raided and the officers found 100 grams cocaine, a kilogram of additives commonly used...

Macedonia 30.06.20 | 12:47

Fishing boat transporting 200 kilograms of marijuana seized on lake Ohrid

Ohrid lake patrols have seized a major shipment of 200 kilograms of marijuana that was being transported on a fishing boat. A single smuggler was operating the boat that was intercepted around midnight, near the Sateska river, east of Struga. The smuggler abandoned the drugs and fled. It is believed...

Macedonia 18.06.20 | 19:15

Kocani woman fled quarantine, was arrested drunk, with drugs and ammunition

A 36 year old woman from Kocani who was ordered to remain in quarantine at home after exposure to the coronavirus was arrested driving through the city with drugs and a small quantity of ammunition. The woman, identified as T.G., has violated the quarantine order this weekend. She was eventually arrested...

Macedonia 25.04.20 | 23:04

Police raid east of Skopje nets a large quantity of drugs

Macedonian police seized 2,2 kilograms of heroin and other drugs during a raid on a house in the village of Trubarevo east of the capital Skopje. The police informed that it is still examining the total haul in the house. So far, 33 bags of drugs and two digital scales were found. The raid began with...
