Tag: kicevo
Macedonia 11.10.21 | 19:17

Mickoski in Kicevo: This is a joint fight we wage, Macedonians and Albanians together

This is a joint fight we are waging, not a fight for the Macedonians, but for the Macedonians and Albanians together, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski during his rally in Kicevo this evening. VMRO is running a candidate in Kicevo, which is considered a fief for the DUI party, and is contested...

Macedonia 10.09.21 | 10:31

The state of public healthcare: Stray dog filmed in the Kicevo hospital

After the devastating fire in the modular Covid hospital in Tetovo that killed 14 people, citizens are sharing pictures and video showing the state of public healthcare in Macedonia. In one of them, apparently from the hospital in Kicevo, a dog is shown licking itself in a hospital room. The patient...

Macedonia 31.08.21 | 13:19

Kicevo Crisis Headquarters requests start of school year be postponed

Following closely the surge in new Covid-19 cases in the Kicevo region, the Kicevo Crisis Headquarters headed by Kicevo Mayor Fatmir Dehari has requested the Infectious Diseases Commission postpone the start of the 2021-22 school year or introduce online instruction for Kicevo elementary and high schools. Kicevo...

Macedonia 16.08.21 | 23:18

DUI party splits in its main stronghold of Kicevo, warns that a Macedonian could be elected Mayor instead of an Albanian

The DUI party faces a split in its main power base of Kicevo. The party is nominating Fatmir Dehari, a former terrorist commander in the UCK paramilitary group, for another term as Mayor, but another candidate, supported by a rival party faction, is threatening to split the vote. Fatmir Limani is the...

Macedonia 07.07.21 | 19:32

Zaev’s Government insists there is “strong progress” made on the Kicevo – Ohrid highway

In a statement, responding to the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party, the Zaev Government insisted that work on the Kicevo – Ohrid highway continues. The Chinese funded highway is proceeding at glacial pace ever since Zaev grabbed power in 2017, and is already over three years past the date when it was...

Macedonia 22.06.21 | 09:11

Farmers hit by the storm yesterday

The thunderstorm that hit Macedonia yesterday afternoon caused significant damage to farmers. Crops were hit with hail in the area of Kicevo and Bitola. In the northern parts of the Kicevo region, cheery orchards, strawberry patches and other farms were badly hit. And in Strumica, electricity supply...

Macedonia Economy 12.06.21 | 10:11

New promise: The Kicevo – Ohrid highway will be finished by the end of 2023

Ejup Rustemi, the newly appointed head of the Macedonian Roads (JDPD) public utility company, said that the deadline to complete the Kicevo – Ohrid highway is now pushed to the end of 2023. Little work is being done on the key highway, which broke ground in early 2014. The Chinse Sinohydro company...

Macedonia 29.04.21 | 17:30

Zaev’s Government wants to revive the Chinese built Kicevo – Ohrid highway project

The Zaev Government announced a new push to restart work on the badly delayed Kicevo – Ohrid highway. Construction began in 2014, after the Gruevski Government signed a contract with the Chinese Sinohydro company, and work was supposed to finish in 2018, but in the meantime SDSM grabbed power and...

Macedonia 26.03.21 | 18:37

Board of “Republic of Albania” and Albanian flag displayed in the library of the cultural center in Kicevo

A board reading „Republika e Shqiperisë” [Republic of Albania] has been placed in the library of the “Koco Racin” Cultural Center in Kicevo. The board also includes an inscription in Albanian language and flag of Albania. There is a reaction from the employees of the “Koco Racin”...

Macedonia 04.01.21 | 14:15

Stray dogs wander through the corridors of the Kicevo Covid center

Stray dogs were wandering through the corridors of the Kicevo hospital, where coronavirus patients are being treated, for hours. Instead of the staff in charge of maintaining order at the hospital, a patient was forced to drive the dogs outside, A1On reported. The photos published by the news portal...

Macedonia 03.01.21 | 12:03

“What happened to the railway reconstruction to Kicevo?”, Mickoski asks Zaev

Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski called out Prime Minister Zoran Zaev for one of his forgotten promises – to reconstruct and rehabilitate the railway line from Skopje to Kicevo. They promised to initiate the project to reconstruct the Skopje – Kicevo railway line. Nothing was done, Mickoski...

Macedonia 30.12.20 | 12:46

Mining causes interruptions in traffic between Kicevo and Ohrid

Motorists driving between Kicevo and Ohrid will face interruptions between 12 and 15h, due to mining near the village of Vrbjani. Traffic will be blocked for 15 minute intervals. Motorists are advised to drive carefully.

Macedonia 22.12.20 | 22:08

High levels of air pollution reported across the country

After several days of relatively strong winds that helped improve air quality, high levels of pollution were registered this evening across the country. From Kicevo to the west, to Veles and Kavadarci in central Macedonia, and of course the capital Skopje, PM10 particle levels were way over the maximum...

Macedonia 04.12.20 | 21:22

Sajkoski: Zaev has no right to change our identity, history and language

A large number of citizens joined VMRO-DPMNE protests in 20 cities, where they send a message that Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has no right to change the identity, history and language. The annex to the Agreement with Bulgaria is harmful. No one can ever determine the identity of a nation. No one...

Macedonia 30.11.20 | 22:12

Milososki: Zaev promised to take the country to European Paris, he got stuck in Bulgarian Pazardzhik

Protests under the motto “Zaev’s resignation, freedom of the people” were held Monday in 11 cities across Macedonia. MP Antonio Milososki addressed his fellow citizens in Kicevo. He said that there are also people from Kicevo who are members of SDSM who are ashamed of the fact that a corrupt man...

Macedonia 25.10.20 | 14:43

Cocaine dealer arrested in Kicevo

Police officers seized 100 grams of cocaine from a drug dealer in Kicevo yesterday evening. The 38 year old man threw a small ball from his car once he was intercepted by the police. After the arrest, his home was raided and the officers found 100 grams cocaine, a kilogram of additives commonly used...

Macedonia 08.10.20 | 15:34

Prosecutors file charges against another outspoken critic of the Zaev regime – Antonio Milososki from VMRO

Skopje prosecutors announced they are going ahead with their charges against VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki. The case stems from the now discredited Special Prosecutor’s Office, and is the latest judicial assault against an outspoken critic of the Zaev regime. Milososki is charged with asking...

Macedonia 05.10.20 | 16:47

High school students in Kicevo stage protest against online classes

Some of the students from the two municipal high schools from Kicevo peacefully protested and demanded in-person teaching in their schools. The protest against online teaching started in the town square and ended in front of the two high schools. The protest was attended by students who attend classes...

Macedonia 02.10.20 | 16:47

ELEM management is punishing union representatives by reassigning them to jobs over 100 kilometers from where they live

The management of the state run ELEM energy company has been reassigning employees, including union representatives, without union approval. The SSERI union said that employees are being fired and simultaneously offered a new job but at plants that are more than 100 kilometers away from where the employees...

Economy 22.09.20 | 22:50

Railroad from Kicevo to Albania to be constructed

The Government reviewed and adopted Tuesday the report on the construction of railway section Kicevo-border with Albania in two stages and instructed the Ministry of Finance to submit a Request for expression of interest to international financial institutions and bilateral creditors to provide funds...
