Tag: Oliver Varhelyi
Macedonia 24.06.24 | 13:12

Varheyi congratulated the election of the new Government

The European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy, Oliver Varhei, congratulated Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski and the Government on the occasion of their election. Congratulations to Prime Minister Mickoski and members of the new Government! I look forward to working quickly with...

News Macedonia 22.05.23 | 21:09

Osmani to Varhelyi: Europe to remain dedicated and resolute regarding the region’s EU integrations

During his working visit to Bruxelles, the Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani met with the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Expansion, Oliver Varhelyi. They discussed the Macedonian EU dossier, the level of preparedness of the Macedonian administration for a successful screening...

Macedonia 19.03.23 | 20:17

Varhelyi: Commitment to normalization of Belgrade–Prishtina relations brave step toward EU

The full commitment to normalization of relations between Belgrade and Prishtina shows courage and determination towards their EU path, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said in a tweet welcoming the deal reached between Serbia and Kosovo to implement an agreement...

Macedonia 02.02.23 | 08:54

Van den Berg: EU is losing credibility with the double standards towards Bulgarians in Macedonia and Macedonians in Bulgaria

The “Pendikov” case shakes the European Union as well and is a test for reconsidering European values of Europe itself. The Dutch expert on the Balkans, Hans van der Berg, believes that EU Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi’s meeting with Macedonian Bulgarians is a bad sign for the credibility...

Macedonia 01.02.23 | 12:04

Olivér Várhelyi will meet with the so-called Macedonian Bulgarians

EU Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy, Olivér Várhelyi, will meet today in Brussels with the representatives of the so-called Macedonian Bulgarians, reported the Bulgarian agency BGNES. The meeting is being held at the request of the so-called Macedonian Bulgarians because of, as they say, “institutional...

Balkans 06.12.22 | 10:52

Várhelyi in Tirana: We offer partnership to the Western Balkans, that’s why this summit is being held here for the first time

The European Commissioner for Enlargement and Good Neighbourhood, Olivér Várhelyi arrived in Tirana, where he was welcomed by Prime Minister Rama, in front of the Congress Palace, where the EU-Western Balkans Summit will be held. Partnership, that is what we offer and that is the reason that this...

Macedonia 26.07.22 | 13:55

Várhelyi: First, Skopje should include the Bulgarians into the Constitution, and then continue to move towards joining EU

For Macedonia, this should be a moment to sober up, also for the opposition. Burning documents in the plenary chamber, pushing people to violence, and inciting hatred bring nothing, only damage, Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi told EURACTIV in an interview. He said the “will for enlargement...

Macedonia 19.07.22 | 12:41

Várhelyi: There must be changes to the Constitution

Constitutional changes must happen, EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, told the opposition, which is determined that it will not vote for changing the Constitution, to prove that they are committed to Macedonia’s membership in the European Union. Regarding the constitutional amendments,...

Macedonia 19.07.22 | 10:45

Várhelyi: You are a successful model of a multi-ethnic society

You are a successful model of a multi-ethnic society and deserve to continue with the accession process. It is crucial that Macedonia remains fully committed to this process, European Commissioner for Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, said in the opening address of the first intergovernmental conference. Saturday’s...

Macedonia 14.07.22 | 21:39

Varhelyi: Our eyes and ears are on Skopje

Our eyes and ears are on Skopje and we must have a democratic debate. You saw that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, made a direct contribution. Let the debate develop and then let’s say our positions, said EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. He...

Macedonia 23.06.22 | 09:34

Varhelyi: Western Balkans should be part of EU, Bulgarian concerns are now part of the negotiation process

EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Oliver Varhelyi tweeted that now is the moment for responsible decisions and that the Western Balkans should be part of the European Union. EU takes all Bulgarian concerns very seriously and they are now part of the negotiation process. The moment...

Macedonia 08.06.22 | 20:39

Mickoski after meeting Varhelyi: Macedonia to start EU negotiations as soon as possible

Today I had a meeting with EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. We talked about the European perspective of our Macedonia and pointed out the imperative for the start of negotiations in Macedonia as soon as possible, because 22 years is too long to be still in the hallway, and many countries from Central...

Macedonia 28.04.22 | 23:01

Osmani shows off “Skopje 2014” to Várhelyi

During his stay in Macedonia, Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi had meetings with almost the top officials. But the most impressive was the meeting with Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the quay on the Vardar river. Osmani, as a good host,...

Macedonia 27.04.22 | 21:44

Mickoski – Várhelyi meeting: EU talks to start immediately without additional conditions

Negotiations with the EU should start immediately, without additional conditions from either side, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski at Wednesday’s meeting with EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Olivér Várhelyi, who is visiting the country. At the meeting, Mickoski...

Macedonia 27.04.22 | 16:00

Várhelyi: No time to waste to speed up procedures, Macedonia is part of Europe

We are committed to continue our efforts to start the negotiations before the end of the French EU Presidency in a crucial time, said European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi after Wednesday’s meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski. Started my visit to Macedonia...

Macedonia 25.04.22 | 16:20

What news will he bring? Varhelyi to visit Sofia and Skopje

European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi will visit Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania on April 25-28. According to the calendar of his activities on the EC website, during his stay in Zagreb, Sofia, Skopje and Tirana, EU Commissioner Varhelyi will hold bilateral talks,...

Macedonia 21.12.21 | 12:41

Varhelyi says he understands Zaev’s frustration, speaks proudly of Serbia and Montenegro’s success

The region wants to be one. Open Balkan is the best message that the region can deliver. It not only promotes but creates regional cooperation. Your regional cooperation is good both for the EU and the Western Balkans, said European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi in his...

Balkans 25.11.21 | 14:57

Bulgaria expects dialogue with Macedonia to produce concrete results, Radev tells Varhelyi

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said Thursday in a phone call with European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi that Sofia expects dialogue with Macedonia to produce concrete results, MIA reports from Sofia. Radev stressed that Sofia is open for dialogue, has asked clear questions...

Macedonia 23.11.21 | 09:20

EU Commissioner Varhelyi extends condolences over bus accident

European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi has extended his condolences over the bus accident that claimed at least 46 lives at a motorway in Bulgaria. Terrible news about the tragic bus accident in Bulgaria in early morning hours. My thoughts & condolences are with the...

Macedonia 16.11.21 | 10:55

Osmani-Várhelyi: The first intergovernmental conference to be held as soon as possible

Macedonia’s EU perspective, good neighborly relations, regional initiatives and expectations in the forthcoming period, in anticipation of the December Councils, as an opportunity for a positive step in the next phase of the country’s European integration process, was the focus of Foreign...
