Tag: sdsm
Macedonia 21.07.24 | 18:47

VMRO: SDSM and DUI were using the official plane 25 days a month

The DUI – SDSM Government used the official plane 25 days in a week, says VMRO-DPMNE in a statement to the press, issued in response to SDSM’s comments that the current Government is wasting too much money for international travel to the NATO summit in Washington and the Blenheim summit in...

Macedonia 20.07.24 | 09:34

SDSM pollster profited from his relationship with the previous Government

VMRO-DPMNE accused SDSM linked pollster Nikola Spasov of abusing his relationship with the previous Government to land public contracts. Through his Rating agency, Nikola Spasov took a million EUR in contracts ad nwas given a license for a solar power plant. If these are the people who will “reform”...

Macedonia 02.07.24 | 19:10

ZNAM invites “all honest SDSM members” to join them

Nikola Memov, spokesman of the ZNAM party, invited all “honest members” of the SDSM party to join ZNAM. ZNAM began as a faction in SDSM, built around Kumanovo Mayor Maksim Dimitrievski, and after it joined the VMRO led Government, there have been numerous reports that SDSM members and official...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 11:26

Slavjanka Petrovska: SDSM is a captured party

Former Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska, who bowed out of the SDSM leadership race, said that the party is held captured by its new leadership. Venko Filipce was elected new leader with a 4:1 margin over Jovan Despotovski, in a clear victory for the Zoran Zaev led wing of the party. This is a fiasco....

Macedonia 30.06.24 | 23:41

Zaev’s proxy candidate Venko Filipce named SDSM leader

Former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce was elected as new leader of the opposition SDSM party, after Dimitar Kovacevski resigned following his major defeat in the general and the presidential elections. Filipce won about 8,500 votes while his chief opponent, Jovan Despotovski, won 2,300 votes of the...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 18:00

SDSM leadership race hit by recriminations and corruption allegations

Dramatic developments in SDSM ahead of the party elections scheduled for June 30th, where the membership is supposed to elect a new leader. With former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce the clear front-runner in the race, due to the open support he’s receiving from Zoran Zaev, other candidates...

Macedonia 27.06.24 | 12:02

Slavjanka Petrovska tells Zaev to stop interfering in the SDSM leadership race

SDSM leadership candiate Slavjanka Petrovska joined in the criticism of former leader Zoran zaev, who is clearly promoting former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce to be the next leader of the troubled party. Support of any of the former leaders for any of the current candidates will only make the process...

Macedonia 15.06.24 | 14:00

Despotovski: SDSM is at a historic low point

Jovan Despotovski, who is running for leader of the SDSM party following the resignation of Dimitar Kovacevski, acknowledges that the party is historically at its lowest point. Still, he believes that the next SDSM leader who will be elected at the end of the month, will become the Prime Minister in...

Macedonia 07.06.24 | 17:40

Several opposition members of Parliament are likely to vote in favor of reforming the Government

Members of Parliament from the SDSM led coalition have announced that they will support the proposal to reorganize the Government, put before Parliament by VMRO-DPMNE. This indicates that SDSM could lose some of its 18 votes in Parliament, as the party is being sent to the opposition after 7 years in...

Macedonia 06.06.24 | 11:17

Three candidates in competition to take over SDSM

Three current or former top party officials submitted their nominations for leader of the SDSM party yesterday, following the resignation of Dimitar Kovacevski. This includes outgoing Defence Minister Slavjanka Petrovska, former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce and outgoing head of the industrial zones...

Macedonia 22.05.24 | 21:52

Kovacevski blames SDSM officials of sabotaging the party, calls on all key figures to resign with him

After weeks of relative silence from the party, following its crushing defeat in the general and presidential elections, SDSM leader Dimitar Kovacevski today reiterated his plan to step down, and called on all key SDSM officials to do the same. Kovacevski blamed officials within the party for sabotaging...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:48

With 5 percent of votes counted, VMRO dominates, and DUI is ahead of SDSM

VMRO-DPMNE released an updated projection, after computing 14 percent of all polling stations and 5 percent of all votes. It shows VMRO leading SDSM with 36,000 against 11,300 votes. DUI has just under 12,000 votes and the VLEN coalition has 7,300 votes. The projection would put VMRO over the 61 seats...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:44

SEC: VMRO leads SDSM by 58,000 to 19,500 votes

The State Electoral Commission issued a new projection, after having processed almost 20 percent of the votes and 25 percent of all polling stations. It shows VMRO-DPMNE leading SDSM in the general election with 58,252 votes against 19,488 for SDSM, a margin of victory that could put VMRO in a commanding...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:38

SDSM: We had free and fair election, the will of the people will determine the path forward

SDSM spokeswoman Bogdanka Kuzeska tried to put on a brave face in the first press conference of the party of the evening, as SDSM is projected to lose badly in the dual elections. We had a successful electoral day, with fair elections, as becomes a NATO member state and a country that has begun its accession...

Economy 04.05.24 | 13:38

Dimitrieska: SDSM devastated living standards

SDMS devastated living standards and there is not a family that is not affected by the price increases, said in an Alfa TV interview, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska. It doesn’t matter if salaries are going up if their purchasing power is decreasing. It’s comical...

Macedonia 04.05.24 | 10:07

Kovacevski acknowledges coming defeat, blames DUI and the inflation

SDSM president Dimitar Kovacevski announced that the party will do a full accounting of its election campaign after the general elections on May 8th, and asked the voters to deliver a strong SDSM group in Parliament. Both statements, coming after he was asked whether he sees accountability in his own...

Macedonia 02.05.24 | 21:35

SDSM officials acknowledge they are heading to defeat with a divided party

Following the shock of the first round of the presidential elections, SDSM officials began to acknowledge reality and to prepare their voters for a period in the opposition. Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Maricic was the first to own up to the facts – he said that SDSM sees a role for itself as a...

News Macedonia 24.04.24 | 20:32

SDSM won’t share their election results, they hope that voters chose “the European future”

SDSM party spokeswoman Bogdanka Kuzeska led the first press conference for her party of the election evening. She did not share projections for the result of the vote, while on the other hand, VMRO-DPMNE is constantly briefing the public with results, that show their candidate Gordana Siljanovska holding...

Macedonia 21.04.24 | 21:01

Meager turnout at the main SDSM rally in Skopje, even the buses didn’t help

SDSM had a disappointing turnout at their central pre-election rally in downtown Skopje today. Whether it was due to the rain, or a sign of continued collapse in the polls, the ruling party hardly gathered a few thousand supporters in what is supposed to be one of their strongholds. The rally was held...

Macedonia 18.04.24 | 22:27

SDSM is prepared to give 70 percent of all seats in Government to the Albanian parties just to cling to power

During his speech at the large VMRO-DPMNE rally in Ohrid, party leader Hristijan Mickoski warned about a plan being formed in the still ruling SDSM party, which faces a serious defeat and could end up with fewer than 30 seats in Parliament – if the polls are correct. Their calculation is that they...
