Tag: vaccine
Macedonia 29.03.21 | 12:11

Government denies that Carovska, Maricic and Grubi got vaccinated jumping the line

The spokesman of the Government issued a denial of the alleged vaccination of ministers on the official Twitter account. We strongly deny it, there is no vaccination of ministers! We call on the MP and the news portals that spread this grave misinformation to give up the manipulations with the population...

Economy 29.03.21 | 10:58

2,000 Macedonian businesspeople get vaccinated in Serbia

At the initiative of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce within the WB6 CIF Chamber Investment Forum, some 2,000 businesspeople from the Economic Chamber of Macedonia received AstraZeneca vaccines this weekend in Nis, Serbia. This is the first such action. We organized it with the support of the Serbian...

Macedonia 29.03.21 | 10:37

Albanian “News1”: Carovska, Maricic and Grubi jump the queue to get vaccinated?

While the thousands of Macedonian citizens went this weekend to Serbia to get Covid-19 vaccines once again confirmed the incompetence of the Macedonian authorities, today a new scandal involving top government officials broke out. According to the Albanian news portal “News 1”, among the...

Macedonia 27.03.21 | 10:09

Long lines at the Kumanovo border crossing, as Macedonians head to Serbia to get vaccinated

Long lines of cars and buses are reported on the Tabanovce border crossing between Macedonia and Serbia, as thousands of Macedonians are scrambling to get vaccines. Serbia is awash with vaccines from all manufacturers, while Macedonia has only been able to provide two token batches – one of them...

Macedonia 23.03.21 | 16:50

Lefkov: Authorities to say which politicians from the government got the Covid-19 vaccine

VMRO-DPMNE’s group in Parliament  will file a special request to the Health Committee to request information from the Ministry of Health about who has been vaccinated, because there are reports that politicians from the government got the coronavirus vaccine. According to MP Mile Lefkov, the suspicion...

Balkans 21.03.21 | 12:51

Man with criminal records in Serbia is an intermediary in the procurement of the Sputnik V vaccine for Macedonia

A man with a criminal records in Serbia and problems with the Serbian judiciary told Al Jazeera that he was the only one with an agreement with the Russian investment fund guaranteeing the delivery of the Sputnik V vaccine to Macedonia, BiH, Algeria and Bulgaria. Nikola Lakusic, a Serbian citizen living...

World 17.03.21 | 17:26

V4: European Medicines Agency shifts responsibility to member states

It is the prerogative of member states to make national-level decisions concerning vaccines, the head of the European Medicines Agency has said, the V4 news agency reported “The decisions taken on a national level are being taken in the context of the information that is available on the national...

News 17.03.21 | 10:50

EMA chief ignores V4NA questions

Recently, many questions have emerged in connection with Brussels’ vaccine contracts and, in the past few days, many EU countries have stopped using AstraZeneca’s jab in their vaccination campaigns. V4NA has sent a written inquiry to the European Medicines Agency with regard to the vaccines....

World 16.03.21 | 22:57

V4: Brussels may face ‘Vaccinegate’

There are a growing number of questions with regard to the EU’s joint vaccine procurement. Last week it emerged that the vaccine distribution is not based on a pro-rata population key. V4NA tried to find out who – and serving what interests – has exerted political pressure on behalf...

Macedonia 14.03.21 | 17:33

Nikoloski calls on Zaev to resign over the growing vaccine scandal

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski called on Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to resign over the growing scandal involving the failed purchase of coronavirus vaccines from China. The Government tried to use a shell company set up in American Samoa and Hong Kong for the purchase and was prepared...

Macedonia 10.03.21 | 10:30

Inoculation with Sputnik V vaccines begins in Macedonia

With the Pfizer vaccine nearly used up, medical teams will begin vaccinating people with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. Macedonia currently has 3,000 Sputnik doses, which are going to be used on elderly citizens, according to a list prepared by the Healthcare Ministry. The 8,000 Pfizer doses donated...

Macedonia 09.03.21 | 14:50

Donated Pfizer vaccines nearly used up as over 3,700 medical personnel get vaccinated

The Macedonian Healthcare Ministry has managed to vaccinate 3,759 doctors and nurses so far, using the Serbian donation of 8,000 Pfizer vaccines. With one vaccine set aside as soon as the first dose is received, this means that the donation is nearly all used up. The Ministry will continue vaccinating...

World 28.02.21 | 14:28

V4: Orban took the Chinese vaccine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban took the coronavirus vaccine today. He opted for the Chinese produced Sinopharm vaccine, and shared the picture on his Facebook account to encourage other Hungarians to take the vaccine. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=275163773961835&t=67 Hungary is actively...

Macedonia 22.02.21 | 13:07

Chinese vaccines will arrive by the end of February, Zaev expresses gratitude to the Russian Ambassador for helping obtain the Sputnik vaccine

Some of the 200,000 Chinese coronavirus vaccines will arrive in Macedonia by the end of February, promised Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, and talks are on-going to purchase 100,000 Russian Sputnik vaccines. We are signing contracts with all manufacturers and we expect them to arrive to the country soon....

Macedonia 19.02.21 | 17:47

Citizens won’t be allowed to choose the type of their coronavirus vaccine

As the arrival of a shipment of Chinese coronavirus vaccines is expected by the end of the month, the Healthcare Ministry informed the public that citizens will not be allowed to choose the vaccine manufacturer. Macedonia currently has only a modest batch of Pfizer vaccines donated by Serbia, which are...

Macedonia 17.02.21 | 22:14

About 70 percent of all healthcare workers expressed interest to take the vaccine

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce said that 70 percent of all healthcare workers have expressed their itnent to take the coronavirus vaccine. Modest immunization began today, with over a 100 doctors and nurses taking Pfizer vaccines donated by Serbia, and the current donation is enough for 2,300 people. Healthcare...

Macedonia 17.02.21 | 16:42

Over 100 healthcare workers vaccinated in the first six hours

By lunch time, over 100 medical professionals were vaccinated with the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. Macedonia began its first modest round of immunization today, after Serbia donated 4,680 doses of the vaccine, with another shipment expected soon for a total of 8,000 doses. So far the vaccines are administered...

Macedonia 15.02.21 | 19:23

Nearly 60,000 people in line for less than 5,000 vaccines

The official web site set up to have citizens register for vaccines is over 46,000 registrations, and additional 13,500 people registered through their general practitioners. Meanwhile, Macedonia has less than 5,000 doses of vaccines, delivered as a donation from Serbia. It’s unclear how the Government...

Macedonia 15.02.21 | 16:54

Minister Filipce opens to the possibility of purchasing the Russian vaccine

Macedonian Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce opened the possibility of purchasing the Russian Sputnik coronavirus vaccine. Macedonia was unable to sign a commercial contract with Pfizer and so far has only received a small donation from Serbia, forcing Filipce and Zoran Zaev to turn to China, after initially...

Macedonia 14.02.21 | 20:26

MAN calls on the Government to provide vaccines for exposed journalists

The Macedonian Association of Journalists (MAN) called on the Government to provide vaccines for the journalists and photo-reporters, as preparations are put in place to begin a very modest vaccination of at-risk categories of citizens. Due to the nature of their work, journalists, reporters, cameramen,...
