Regarding the reactions over the swearing in ceremony of President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that it was a dignified event and that it was done in accordance with the Prespa Treaty. Siljanovska omitted the imposed adjective “North” from the name of the country – she also left out the word “Republic” and while the Parliament Speaker was reading the full imposed name, Siljanovska simply said – Macedonia. This prompted angry reactions from top Greek officials as well as statements from European Union officials.

I expect that the relations between our two countries are not based on political muscle. I expect that we maintain good, excellet neighborly relations. As in VMRO-DPMNE, in their Government led by New Democracy, they also have their opinion on the Prespa Treaty. Neither of us like that treaty. Unlike Greece, Macedonia has made the Prespa Treaty part of the Macedonian institutions, the Macedonian Constitution and the communications within and between our institutions is conducted in accordance with the Constitution. But there is a basic human right how to call your country in public and in front of the media. I expect taht President Siljanovska will use the terms Macedonia and Macedonian in this way. In our interpretation of the Prespa Treaty this is no violation of the treaty. I use this opportunity to call on our Greek friends to stop with threats, obstructions and looking back. Let’s look toward the future. If they think that we violated the Prespa Treaty, there is the International Court of Justice, we can confront our positions there. I don’t wish it comes to that, I want us to maintain friendly relations and to help each other. And, if somebody expects VMRO-DPMNE to repeat the mistakes from the past, be assured that we will not do that, Mickoski said in his first public remarks following Siljanovska’s inauguration.

The incoming Prime Minister added that he regrets the failure to make a good first impression in the relations with Greece following the convincing VMRO-DPMNE victory in the presidential and the general elections. Mickoski urged Greek companies to invest in Macedonia and to have the two countries expand their cooperation in tourism, education and other areas.