United States Ambassador Angela Aggeler has emphasized the importance of making informed decisions for the country’s progress on the path to the European Union in the upcoming elections. In an interview with TV24, she expressed the hope that the opposition would share its plan for Euro-integration with the citizens, welcoming a presentation from VMRO-DPMNE’s leader.

Ambassador Aggeler stressed the significance of voters understanding the details of each plan proposed by candidates to address current issues with other countries. She emphasized the need for transparency and clear communication about future plans.

Regarding the caretaker government, Aggeler expressed disappointment with VMRO-DPMNE not supporting it despite nominating individuals for designated posts. She expects any government to work in the best interest of the people and hopes the caretaker government will continue doing so.

Addressing the US, Macedonia partnership, Aggeler assured that the partnership would continue even if constitutional changes are not adopted, although expressing disappointment. She highlighted the strategic nature of the partnership, emphasizing that Macedonia’s status as a NATO ally strengthens the bond. The ambassador assured that the US Embassy has actively supported North Macedonia in its European aspirations.