Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski failed to find out why Albanian Prime Minister Rama convened a “Tirana Platform 2” meeting on Tuesday.

As some media reported, referring to sources in the Albanian political bloc, Kovacevski and senior SDSM officials tried to find out the topic of the meeting to which Rama invited only the Albanian political factors but not the Macedonian prime minister who leads the party which many Albanians vote for.

There was no response from Foreign Minister Osmani, who officially communicates with Tirana and Rama’s government.

The SDSM leadership did not receive an answer about what will be discussed in Tirana, because supposedly DUI also does not know exactly what is on the agenda on Tuesday.

The prime minister and leader of SDSM was assured that in Tirana there will be no talk of federalization, but of the rights of the Albanians in Macedonia and the future of the country.

Kovacevski was told by DUI and another party from the Albanian political bloc that he was not called to Tirana because the Albanians did not vote for SDSM anymore and therefore there was no need for him to be called to an all-Albanian meeting.

There is no official reaction from SDSM about the interference of official Tirana and Kovacevski’s friend Rama in Macedonian internal political affairs at the meeting called “Tirana platform 2.0.”