DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti informed the public that he has been summoned as a witness before the Hague special prosecutors for war crimes in Kosovo.

It’s still not clear in what case will Ahmeti be interrogated, and whether it’s the same war crimes case against Kosovo President Hashim Thaci. Ahmeti was involved in the 1999 Kosovo war, and in 2001 he caused a civil war in Macedonia, leading the NLA/UCK group on attacks against Macedonian forces and civilians. He received a pardon in the Ohrid treaty, signed under the patronage of the US and the EU, and in 2002 he formed the DUI party, which has been almost indispensable in forming coalitions in Macedonia ever since.

The invitation comes as DUI is flexing its muscles to exact maximum concessions from its would-be coalition partners after the elections in Macedonia delivered a very narrow result, with no major party having a clear shot at forming a Government without Ahmeti.