The DUI party did not announce immediate steps after the State Electoral Commission and the Administrative Court approved repeat of voting in seven polling stations in the north-western and south-western 6th and 5th electoral districts, where DUI could lose two of its 19 seats in Parliament.

Ali Ahmeti convened a meeting of the party presidency yesterday, and later his spokesman announced that the party is informing the citizens, its international partners and that Ahmeti will coordinate with other parties in his coalition. Ahmeti himself warned that the political situation, where his DUI party stands to go in the opposition for the first time since 2008, could lead to conflict among Albanians, with the VLEN coalition about to replace DUI in power.

This was done by the two biggest parties from the Macedonian nationality. Unfortunately, I fear that they will have unwanted effects on inter-ethnic relations. There is a risky prospet, that we Albanians begin to kill each other, as happened in a polling station in Zelino. We don’t want that, we don’t desire that. If someone has a strategy that we Albanians shoot at each other, it will not happen, Ahmeti said.

VLEN responded that “unfortunately Ahmeti’s condition looks worse with every new public appearance he makes” and said that the aged former terrorist commanded is “losing control as his illegal actions are being uncovered”.

Everybody can see that Ahmeti is losing control after he realized that he is losing power. We call him to remain calm, in the interest of the European perspective of the country, and to lead his coalition partners to be a constructive multi-ethnic opposition. Let’s support issues that are in interest to the Albanians, as we did before in opposition, and let’s allow justice to take its course, VLEN said in a statement.