Tag: vlen
Macedonia 16.10.24 | 19:37

According to Mickoski, the promoted “Albanian academy” is a mere civic organization

Regarding the creation of an organization of Albanian scientists and artists, with the support of municipalities that are ran by the VLEN coalition, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said that this is a civic organization and that the Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences remains the only such academy...

Macedonia 14.10.24 | 19:28

VLEN hopes that the Venice Commission will accept their law on public sector hiring

The VLEN coalition hopes that the Venice Commission will accept their proposal for a new law that would regulate public sector and the ethnic proportion of the employees. Healthcare Minister Arben Taravari, who is one of the leaders of VLEN, said that they have to propose a new law after the Constitutional...

Macedonia 29.09.24 | 17:28

VLEN marks 100 days of the new Government

The VLEN coalition, which is part of the VMRO-DPMNE led ruling coalition, to mark the 100 days of the forming of the Government, with which their rival DUI was sent in the opposition for only the second time since 2002. We are faced with a destructive opposition that is criticizing without arguments...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 10:45

DUI and VLEN are arguing over the language of a road sign

Deputy Prime Minister Izet Mexhiti accused his political opponent, Ali Ahmeti’s DUI party, of allowing road signs without Albanian inscription in them. The two rival parties, DUI and VLEN, are arguing after a sign at the border crossing Blace with Kosovo was placed in Macedonian, English and French,...

Macedonia 03.08.24 | 16:45

DUI and VLEN trade accusations over the incident with Kosovo President Osmani

Top DUI official Artan Grubi is trying to capitalize on the incident at the Skopje airport, accusing the VLEN coalition of disrespecting the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani. An incident happened when Osmani refused to allow her bags to be inspected after landing in Skopje from Paris, and VLEN official...

Macedonia 28.07.24 | 17:24

Parties across the political spectrum denounce VLEN idea for an Albanian academy of sciences

The Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts is the only such institution that unites Macedonian scientific work and includes scientists from all ethnic backgrounds, said VMRO-DPMNE in a statement, responding to the initiative from Healthcare Minister Arben Taravari and other officials from the VLEN coalition. The...

Macedonia 20.07.24 | 11:51

VLEN warns DUI they will have to account for their past abuses

The VLEN coalition has warned the DUI party that it will have to face its past of abuse of power, mismanagement of the state institutions and corruption. There needs to be accountability for former FOreign Minister Bujar Osmani, who, contrary to all logic, signed a 960,000 EUR car rental deal for the...

Macedonia 02.06.24 | 12:22

Sela accuses VLEN of making a bad deal with VMRO

The Alliance of Albanians party – its faction loyal to the former leader Ziadin Sela – condemned its former colleagues from the Arben Taravari wing and his broader VLEN coalition of failing to secure enough seats in the next Government with VMRO-DPMNE. This is the first time Albanians have...

Macedonia 27.05.24 | 18:37

VMRO and VLEN close to a coalition deal, the departments are divided 11:4

Republika has learnt that VMRO-DPMNE and VLEN are close to an agreement on the make-up of the next Government. According to the proposal that is on the table, VMRO would get 11 departments, while VLEN would have four. VMRO officials would be named to the Interior Ministry, Foreign Ministry, the departments...

Macedonia 26.05.24 | 21:50

VMRO holds coalition talks with ZNAM

VMRO-DPMNE officials Timco Mucunski and Vladimir Misajlovski met today with three top officials from the ZNAM party – Goran Mincev, Vesna Bendevska and Pavle Arsoski. This is the first formal meeting between the two parties, who are expected to form a coalition. The urgency for VMRO to include...

Macedonia 22.05.24 | 22:02

DUI loses one seat to VLEN, but saves the seat won by oil tycoon Ismail Jahoski

DUI is down one seat in Parliament as result of the repeated voting in two electoral districts. The party managed to save another of its seats that was under challenge, in the 5th electoral district, where oil tycoon Ismail Jahoski is confirmed as member of the next Parliament. DUI lost a seat as the...

Macedonia 19.05.24 | 19:58

Taravari corrects earlier statement on the number of seats VLEN expects to hold in the next Government

Gostivar Mayor Arben Taravari, who is one of the leading figures in the VLEN coalition, corrected his previous statement about the share of responsibility that VLEN expects to have in their coming coalition with VMRO-DPMNE. Taravari initially told a Kosovan TV station that VLEN will have the position...

Macedonia 19.05.24 | 09:48

On his way out of power, Ahmeti warns about conflict between the rival Albanian political blocs

The DUI party did not announce immediate steps after the State Electoral Commission and the Administrative Court approved repeat of voting in seven polling stations in the north-western and south-western 6th and 5th electoral districts, where DUI could lose two of its 19 seats in Parliament. Ali Ahmeti...

Macedonia 16.05.24 | 20:22

VLEN will not demand constitutional changes at any cost, will respect the feelings of the ethnic Macedonians

Izet Mexhiti, one of the top leaders of the Albanian VLEN coalition, said that they will not insist on a change in the Constitution at all cost. This is the main outstanding issue between VLEN and VMRO-DPMNE, who are close to negotiating a coalition to form the next Government. Albanian parties generally...

Macedonia 11.05.24 | 17:29

Mickoski announces that VMRO has reached a broad coalition agreement with VLEN

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski today annoucend that he has reached a general agreement for cooperation with the Albanian opposition bloc VLEN. Mickoski led the party leadership to a meeting with the leaders of the VLEN coalition, in their offices in downtown Skopje. With VLEN’s 13 seats...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 21:51

VLEN leads DUI in Skopje and Tetovo, gets in position to claim that it won the Albanian vote

A major moment in the general elections is that the Albanian opposition bloc VLEN is keeping close behind the ruling Albanian party DUI, even after DUI formed a coalition with a number of ethnic minority parties to try to bolster its results. At the national level, DUI has over 101,000 votes with 67...

Macedonia 24.04.24 | 23:02

Kasami: DUI did not win the Albanian vote

Tetovo Mayor Bilal Kasami said that, despite their victory in the Albanian camp, DUI did not win the Albanian vote in the first round of the elections. DUI candidate Bujar Osmani defeated the candidate of the VLEN opposition Albanian bloc Arben Taravari. According to latest results, Osmani won just over...

Macedonia 13.04.24 | 11:11

After the critical Freedom House report, Albanian opposition parties blame DUI of undermining the judiciary

The VLEN coalition, that unites the main Albanian opposition parties, accused the ruling DUI party of undermining Macedonia’s rule of law. VLEN pointed to the recent Freedom House report that showed Macedonia sliding back in its democracy, mainly because of the rampant corruption. In its 20 years...

Macedonia 04.04.24 | 23:24

Mickoski prefers coalition with the Albanian VLEN bloc, tells DUI it will be good for them to spend some time in opposition

During the large VMRO-DPMNE rally in Skopje, opposition leader Mickoski openly announced to the Albanian opposition bloc VLEN, which is engaged in a difficult election battle with Ali Ahmeti’s DUI party, that they are the preferred partner for VMRO-DPMNE when coalition making begins after the elections....

Macedonia 18.03.24 | 18:44

Albanian opposition coalition VLEN accuses: The fake Americanization of DUI is called Sergey Lavrov

As time goes by, we are more and more convinced that DUI’s pre -election motto “Yes for Europe – No for Russia” hides a fear of the shame of revealing the true Russian connections of the Democratic Union for Integration. Wanting to pretend that they are as Western and pro-American...