In Skopje, the issues with public transport are set to continue, and come September, residents will face significant challenges in getting to work or school on time. Mayor Danela Arsovska places the blame squarely on the VMRO-DPMNE councilors, accusing them of not supporting the purchase of new buses. The mayor seemed offended when journalists questioned her responsibility, emphasizing that, as the mayor of Skopje, she is expected to address these problems.

When asked by “Sloboden Pechat” why she waited two years to seek a meeting with Hristijan Mickoski to resolve their differences for the sake of the citizens, Arsovska did not provide a clear answer.

We have had communication here with the councilors and the coordinators as we should have, but every time arguments will be presented at that meeting and one thing will be discussed and they will agree, further on the Council works completely opposite to that which has been discussed. I have said that several times from the pulpit, it is obvious that the people who come to the Council and work as councilors should primarily have the interest of the people of Skopje above all, but in practice it is shown that they suddenly decide on those decisions that are important for the people of Skopje they are instructed not to vote or they will walk out and leave the hall so that there is no quorum or not enough votes. That’s why I don’t see why we should sit at the table, here is an example from yesterday’s meeting, everything that was requested was rejected, we requested a coordinating body so that you, as the public, can see who is right and who is wrong, who offers a solution, and who did not, was not accepted – said Arsovska