In a press conference, the VMRO-DPMNE party asked how was Vasko Kovacevski, the director of the badly mismanaged state owned ESM/ELEM energy company, able to make almost half a million EUR.

VMRO member of Parliament Mile Lefkov presented Kovacevski’s property report, which includes two apartments and two offices in Bitola, as well as land in the village of Dihovo. They were all purchased in 2019, the same year that he was appointed as ESM director by the Zaev regime. The next year, Kovacevski purchased a Seat SUV worth over 22,000 EUR.

Kovacevski presents all this as inheritance, but it is suspicious that all of the property was gained in the year when he was promoted to head a company that is widely used to syphon money for the various business interests of the Zaev family, said Lefkov.