With SDS in power, GDP growth per capita over 7 years was 20%, significantly lower than the regional average of over 50%. This performance suggests that SDS may not be effectively leading the country. Furthermore, Macedonia has fallen behind all countries in the region in terms of GDP per capita, a fact that SDS cannot refute. The blame for Macedonia’s lagging economy is solely attributed to SDS, as they had the opportunity to make substantial improvements but failed to do so, according to VMRO-DPMNE.

In addition to sluggish growth, Macedonia faces inflation rates that are 50% higher than those in the Eurozone, which exacerbates economic challenges.

Domestically, many individuals perceive the current government unfavorably. SDS’s governance is associated with significant poverty, with approximately one-third of citizens living on just 150 denars a day, equating to around 600,000 people.