It did not take long for another piece of evidence to emerge that the census is being conducted in a dubious manner. That the purpose of the operation is not statistical at all is confirmed by the failure to develop a solid protected application for the diaspora census.

And even worse – hacking skills are not required to breach it.

An IT experts in Macedonia informed that she managed to register from her home in Macedonia, so that instead of with an IP address from Macedonia, she registered with a VPN with an address from Serbia.

I left my Macedonian number and without any problem I was registered and I filled in the questionnaire. No address data is required from the country where I am staying, and the reason for staying had several options, the last of which was “other”. I was surprised that in the questionnaire when I filled in the address in Macedonia, only the name of the street was mandatory, but not the number, entrance, apartment…, writes the user in the Facebook group Federal Committee of IT experts in Macedonia.

Self-registration is not only intended for the diaspora but also for every citizen who will not be in Macedonia in the period. Hence, she asks why there is no better protection on so that residents cannot register as diaspora.

Will they now that they have my ID number, but not the complete address, skip me, ie. not count me twice, once digitally and once in the questionnaires that I guess printed on paper will be carried by the people who will count us, she concludes.

The videos below show people entering data with mocking connotation and registering as if they were in Bulgaria.