The Commission for Protection against Discrimination initiated proceedings against the Ministry of Justice and Minister Tupancevski, because they did not act on their recommendations from October last year and did not supervise the cultural center “Vanco Mijhailov” in Bitola, as the competent authority for the implementation of the Law on Associations, reported Telma.

The commission believes that the cultural club “Vanco Mihajlov” does not have permission to use the name, which is why the registration of this association should be canceled, but it received an answer from the Ministry of Justice that the competent authority is the Central Registry.

The commission initiated proceedings before the Basic Court of Bitola and against the cultural club “Ivan Mihajlov” because the recommendations for the removal of all disputed content in the name, statute and program that cause more serious forms of discrimination and harassment by the association bearing the name of a proven collaborator of the fascists were not followed.