VMRO-DPMNE official Ilija Dimovski predicts that there will be no meaningful changes in Bulgaria’s position toward Macedonia after the second inconclusive election in a row. The voters yesterday delivered more or less the same Parliament they did in the April elections, and forming a new Government seems to be a difficult task with no clear winner.

Nothing will happen until the Bulgarian presidential elections in October. Macedonia can expect to see no change in the Bulgarian position toward us. There will be no concentrated political power and will to make concessions and compromise with us until the elections. There will be constant recriminations and allegations of corruption and crime, which, in a future phase, may affect certain politicians in Macedonia. What Macedonia should now do is to declare that no-one, including Bulgaria, has the right to interfere in our identity and in the building of our consciousness for the historic, territorial and temporal continuity of the Macedonian people in the Balkans, Dimovski said.

According to Dimovski, Borisov’s GERB party can be considered a winner, after it won the most votes, even though neck and neck with Slavi Trifonov’s ITN party. Dimovski believes that ITN is the biggest loser of the election, because of its failure to surpass GERB, and that the showman’s movement has reached its peak after which it will begin to deflate. The list of winners, according to Dimovski, also includes the socialist BSP party, which may become indespensible in future coalition negotiations, while the losers include Karakacanov’s nationalist VMRO-BND party, which again failed to enter the Parliament.