The company “Everest JD,” owned by Drin Ahmeti, the nephew of DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, has received millions in tenders. Recently, Drin Ahmeti faced a criminal complaint from the Ministry of Interior, accusing him of abusing a concession for a mine near Kicevo, resulting in a budget loss of 1.6 million denars, or about 26,000 euros. VMRO-DPMNE revealed this today, implicating former Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi, also from DUI, for not revoking the company’s mineral resource exploitation concession, allowing it to win tenders.

“Drin Ahmeti, through ‘Everest JD,’ exploited more mineral resources than reported and paid to the state. Instead of facing sanctions and a revoked license, under the protection of the Ministry of Economy and Kreshnik Bekteshi, he continued to operate and secure million-dollar tenders,” said Lefkov.

According to Business Network data, “Everest JD” was established in 2005. Initially headquartered in Zajas, Ahmeti’s birthplace, it moved to Bukojcani and then to Skopje in August last year. Drin Ahmeti became its director and owner in 2017. Last year, the company had a profit of 129,000 euros.

After Drin Ahmeti took over, the company secured a 47,500-euro tender with “Komunalec” from Kichevo for gravel and masonry stone. It then began cooperating with AD ESM, receiving contracts for four tenders totaling nearly 125,000 euros. The latest contract, with “Vodovod i kanalizacija” from Prilep, was worth over 15,000 euros.

“The SDS and DUI authorities and their associates in the Ministry of Economy knew the concessionaire failed to submit geodetic reports with calculated unearthed mineral resources quantities, as required by the Law on Mineral Resources. Despite this, they allowed Ahmeti’s company to benefit from the concession and generate income without interruption,” added Lefkov.

Drin Ahmeti responded yesterday, claiming the ruling party is spreading falsehoods damaging his reputation and the company’s image. He shared all “Everest JD” concession fee payments for space and exploitation from 2016 to 2024.

The criminal complaint also includes the previous company director, Besian Ahmeti, who transferred “Everest JD” to his brother. Besian Ahmeti was dismissed from his position as the first secretary of the Macedonian embassy in Brussels due to the complaint. Several Ministry of Economy employees face complaints for negligent operation, as they were supposed to supervise the concession. The prosecutor’s office is investigating the allegations.