The DUI party is proposing that international organizations conduct vetting of all top level appointees in the Macedonian Government. In a statement, the party said that it rejects the widespread allegations of high level corruption against them, and insists that a new condition is introduced to vet the appointees of the VMRO-DPMNE led Government.

During its unprecedented 20 years in power (over the past 23 years), this party was abusing the process of issuing security clearances to harm political opponents. Now, DUI wants international diplomats, who have often taken their side in the past, to come to their aid.

This key would be crucial to incrase transparency and restore citizens’ trust. Refusing this proposal will show that the Government is covering up its own incompetence and corruption. We call on the political subjects and the international community to act now and support this process, Ali Ahmeti’s party said in a statement.

VMRO-DPMNE responded by repeating their position that DUI will no longer have immunity from prosecution.

After so many years in power, Ahmeti now wants to protect his nephews who are facing criminal charges, and the bandits from his personal entourage who became millionaires. Why didn’t they call for vetting when Ahmeti’s neighbor from the village of Zajas was named chief organized crime prosecutor? Does it require vetting to show how people who worked as shepherds became millionaires? How Mile Zecevic, Venko Filipce, Zoran Zaev got contracts from REK Bitola and how Musa Xhaferi and Artan Grubi got into energy trading and became subcontractors on public roads projects?, VMRO-DPMNE said in their response.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski recently warned that Ahmeti is planning to increase ethnic tensions in the coming period, as he faces a prolonged period in opposition and scrutiny for his past dealings.