The Democratic Union for Integration organized an event on the occasion of the 555th anniversary of the death of Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg at Skanderbeg Square, which was not attended by the dissatisfied members of the party close to Izet Mexhiti.

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti accompanied by Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System Artan Grubi laid flowers in front of the Skanderbeg monument in the square of the same name.

Today we are here to commemorate a very important historical event for the Albanian people – the commemoration of the 555th anniversary of the death of the national Albanian hero Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, a very important figure who led the revolution of the Albanian people. He is a figure who has encouraged all the national movements of the Albanians and a great strategist, a special person of enormous importance for the whole of Europe. We are proud to have his figure in our territories, Ahmeti said.

When asked by a journalist why members of the party such as Izet Mexhiti, who is most responsible for placing the Skanderbeg monument in the square, are not attending the event, the DUI leader replied that no one was banned from attending the event.

Regarding whether any of the dissatisfied members of the party from the “fiery group” will be expelled from the party, Ahmeti stated that no one has been expelled from the party so far.

No one has ever been expelled from DUI. They are my friends and colleagues. They have a very wrong approach and the analysis they do. DUI is one of the most democratic and open parties in these areas. We will work even harder to be as transparent and responsible as possible, said Ahmeti.