Kosovo is concerned that Macedonia will soon be forced to introduce visas for Kosovan citizens. The threat comes as result of EU calls that Macedonia fully aligns its visa regime with that of the European Union, which demands visas from citizens of Kosovo and Turkey.

Macedonia has deep economic and personal ties with both countries and shares a long border with Kosovo, meaning that this move would be unprecedented. So far, the Macedonian Foreign Ministry has not reacted to the latest report prepared by the European Union, which states that Macedonia should “ensure further aligning of its visa policy with the EU’s list of visa required third countries”.

Absolutely unacceptable for EU Commission to list Kosovo as one of visa-required third countries asking Montenegro and Macedonia to introduce visas for Kosovo! Especially disturbing as for years Kosovo was unjustly denied visa liberalization. Double so as all this comes after Berlin Process agreements!, said Kosovan Ambassador to Brussels Agron Bajrami.

Failure to comply could endanger Macedonia’s own visa free regime with the European Union,