Apart from the situation at the Permanent Mission to the UN in New York, we have indications of financial misconduct in at least two other diplomatic-consular representations abroad, stated Foreign Minister Timcho Mutsunski tonight, without specifying which embassies are involved.

“Unfortunately, I have identified several other cases of unprofessional conduct. Over the past few weeks, we have uncovered additional instances of serious inconsistencies. I can’t specify the locations out of respect for the host countries, but, like the situation with the Permanent Mission in New York, we have found financial abuses by our ambassadors. We will establish higher performance standards for our ambassadors, ensuring the protection of our assets and budget. While I trust in the procedures, we have clues and will allow them to present their arguments and evidence. However, when it comes to financial issues, things are usually quite clear, even blatant. We must conduct an internal procedure and audit because our representatives abroad must adhere to the highest standards,” emphasized Mutsunski.

When asked about the consultations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) with ambassadors Vesel Memedi, Ljubomir Frchkoski, Andrej Zernovski, and Dancho Markovski, he confirmed that consultations have been completed with three of these ambassadors. He noted that only Frchkoski was not consulted because he is currently on sick leave.

“This does not mean the procedure is delayed. We have serious indications of financial misappropriations of budget funds belonging to the MFA, and we are currently conducting an audit of the operations of the Permanent Mission in New York. I wish him a speedy recovery, as does everyone who knows him, but that does not mean there will not be a process to determine responsibility for the serious suspicions of financial misuse during Ambassador Frchkoski’s tenure,” Mutsunski underlined.

Regarding Ambassador Markovski in Tirana, the minister expressed serious concerns about the way the census was conducted in neighboring Albania.

“I am still in communication with my Albanian counterpart, and Prime Minister Mickoski is in contact with Prime Minister Rama. However, we have determined that the institutional failures during the census were largely on our side—specifically, the failure to act by institutions when clear warnings were raised, both by us and by our embassy in Tirana. I do not place the blame on Ambassador Markovski, as he correctly identified the problems. Together, we concluded that not only the MFA but also several other institutions did not act appropriately or provide guidance to our embassy in Tirana. That is why I decided to return Ambassador Markovski to Tirana. His term ends in a few months,” Mutsunski said.

Regarding Ambassador Memedi, Mutsunski added that the reason for his call for consultations is clear, and a procedure is currently underway within the MFA. Memedi had sent a letter to the Italian authorities a few months ago stating that passports with the old constitutional name were no longer valid for Macedonian citizens, without proper instructions from the MFA at that time.

As for Ambassador Zernovski, there are serious indications of inappropriate conduct related to the formal-legal aspect of his appointment. An internal procedure is already underway to determine any potential liability. ”

Of course, I am in detailed communication with both the president and the prime minister about all these issues, and they are fully informed of what is happening. But what I can say is that we expect professionalism and expertise from our ambassadors,” added Mutsunski.