The co-chair of the Macedonian team of the joint Macedonian-Bulgarian commission for historical and educational issues, academician Prof. Dragi Gjorgiev, instead of reconsidering his own role, began to blame his fellow historians!?, analyzes “Pressing TV”.

This became clear after his last interview with the Top tema show, in which he addressed, among other things, the public reactions of Macedonian historians regarding the second protocol of the intergovernmental Macedonian-Bulgarian commission, which became an integral part of the French proposal to remove the Bulgarian veto and start the first phase of the official start of Macedonia’s EU accession negotiations. At the same time, strangely, he used the show for personal scientific and expert integrity, although in public he never denied how he became a member of MANU, reads the analysis.

According to academician Gjorgiev, the attacks and statements by fellow historians from the country created an unpleasant atmosphere towards the work of the Commission, and especially, as he added, in the public which is not directly familiar with the work of the Commission.

I don’t know what this is due to, those colleagues never came to ask what we are talking about, what are our intentions, what are our ideas about the recommendations. Their writings are mostly statements, not by Macedonian politicians, but by Bulgarian ones. If someone in Bulgaria declares it is the absolute truth and they take it as a basis for their writings, said Gjorgiev, adding that such was the case with the publication of the second protocol by Bulgaria.

If one carefully follows the public performances of academician Gjorgiev, one can come to the only conclusion that his statements are very similar to the statements of a pure party soldier.