Former Ambassador Gjorgji Filipov announced that he submitted a presidential nomination to SDSM. He thinks he will be a good consensual president, although he said that “consensual” is not yet a clearly defined term, which should mean support from 75 percent of the population.

“I will act on the principle that we are a society. Everyone wants to live in peace and security, with healthy and clean air, quality education, good healthcare,” Filipov said at Monday’s press conference.

Filipov was born in Kavadarci, he is a doctor of technical sciences, and he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University “Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje in 1981.

From 2005 to 2010, he was Ambassador of Macedonia to Berlin, Germany, and the next four years was Ambassador of Macedonia to Vienna, Austria. From 2011 to 2014 he was Ambassador of Macedonia to Japan and from 2012 to 2015, Ambassador of Macedonia to Slovakia.

The ruling SDSM will choose its favourite candidate at a party congress, which will take place on March 3.