Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski responded to a member of Parliament from his coalition partner VLEN, Halil Snopce, who said that VLEN will leave the Government if the Parliament adopts a proposed law for benefits for veteran soldiers who fought in the 2001 civil war. At the same time, DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, who provoked the 2001 war, said that his party will begin protests if the law is adopted, and does not include equal benefits to the members of his UCK/NLA terrorist organization.

Good luck to him, curtly said Mickoski when asked about Snopce’s statement.

The law was proposed by an SDSM member of Parliament, apparently with the goal to create a rift in the Government. It is currently blocked in Parliament, where Speaker Afrim Gashi from VLEN is not moving it forward. Mickoski publicly urged Gashi to stop this stalling tactic in the Parliament.

Besides the veterans of 2001, the law would grant benefits to injured and fallen soldiers and police officers and their families the Albanian 2016 attack on Kumanovo, the 2008 helicopter crash near Skopje and other incidents.