After the information about the illegal payment of salaries to the already former director of the Clinic for Children’s Diseases, Aspazija Sofianova, the Health Insurance Fund carried out an extraordinary control of part of the clinics in the “Mother Teresa” complex. This was followed by the resignation of several medical directors, as well as the organizational director of the Children’s Clinic.

After this, the lawyers opened several dilemmas. The first is why responsibility is demanded first from the medical ones, when they cannot do anything about this issue without the organizational ones. Secondly, the lawyers say, the key moment is that it is not disclosed whether there were regular controls by the Health Insurance Fund. Thirdly, the reports from the HIF on the work of the health institutions should be available to the public, because if they are not available, it means that the institutions work non-transparently.

The Fund usually controls the work of public health institutions in March or April. Then, if there are remarks in the reports prepared by HIF, they are acted upon. The key in all of this is that the reports on the supervision of the work of health institutions should be public, and available to everyone, lawyers explain.

Hence, they say, it is unclear whether these controls are being carried out at all in public health institutions.

However, even after the publication of the irregularities, it was reduced to the resignations of two medical and one organizational director, after which it stopped again.