The joint session of the governments of the Republic of Macedonia and Hungary, led by the Prime Ministers of both countries, Hristijan Mickoski and Viktor Orbán, has just started in Ohrid.

The session, expected to last about two hours, was preceded by a face-to-face meeting between the prime ministers of the two countries.

Prime Minister Mickoski emphasized that the meeting was friendly, noting that Hungary has historically been a partner country, recognizing Macedonian aspirations for independence and sovereignty. After the intergovernmental meeting, a protocol stipulates that the two prime ministers will hold a press conference to present details of the progress made during the talks.

The large Hungarian delegation that arrived in Ohrid last night includes ten ministers from Orbán’s Cabinet.

This afternoon, the Hungarian delegation is scheduled to tour Ohrid, including visits to the Church of the Virgin Perivlepta, the Ancient Theater, and the Saint Naum monastery complex. Additionally, the prime ministers will lay flowers at the monument of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Ohrid.