Menduh Thaci, leader of the Democratic Party of Albanians, confirmed today that he is no longer part of the DUI party led coalition. Thaci snubbed DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti who held a press conference to detail his criticism of the new Government on its 100th day in office, indicating that he may try to join the coalition in the near future.

Ahmeti’s political opponents used this development to call on Ahmeti to drop his plans to radicalize the political scene and to reform his party instead.

Mr. Ahmeti needs to reform, adapt to the situation, find a cause. We are open to discuss with all political parties, but first he needs to reform DUI, said Healthcare Minister Arben Taravari, who is one of the key leaders of the VLEN coalition. Taravari pointed to the 107,000 votes that VLEN won in the Albanian districts in Macedonia, making VLEN if not the winner in the Albanian camp, at least very close to DUI’s results, which depended on other ethnic groups as well.

No Albanian opposition party has won that many votes, said Taravari.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski was also asked about Ahmeti’s current situation and he noted Ahmeti’s earlier boasts that Mickoski is not experienced enough to beat him, and should instead stick to “milk and cookies”.

I think Ahmeti’s is feeling sick from the milk and cookies, now that he’s is in opposition. Sending DUI to the opposition was a major step, Mickoski said, adding that he will not go after those suspected of corruption in the same way that DUI and SDSM attacked their political opponents, but detaining them and abusing their families.