Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski met with the president of the Judicial Council, Vesna Dameva.

As Mickoski informed, the meeting was held at the request of the Council.

We will do everything to bring justice. There must not be first-class citizens, there must not be second-class citizens, the few from the first class who are protected, there must not be an elite, but everyone must be equal before the laws and the Constitution. I emphasized that at the meeting itself, which is at their request, so that we can hear what their proposals are.

After all, we had a call to both the expert public and the institutions to come and submit proposals on how to jointly reform the justice system. We stand by our position, our program, but we want to hear. If we get better ideas, of course we will apply those ideas, there should be no secret here.

The lack of rule of law and crime are a security problem and we as the Government must react, we brought this to the attention of the Judicial Council at the meeting, says Mickoski.