Citizens are approaching us with evidence of crimes every single day, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said during his press conference today. The opposition party helped reveal a number of significant corruption scandals regarding the ruling SDSM party in the past months, and Mickoski said that this has encouraged more and more people to step forward.

We can all see that there is so much crime in the Republic of Macedonia. Citizens shouldn’t be pushed to become ever more dejected by this fact, and by the failed promises and betrayed expectations. There needs to be action, through a truly independent unit of prosecutors, who will investigate the allegations and take them to court. I’m sorry we live in such a society, that people are abused everywhere and face crime and corruption at every step they make. This is generated from the top, and we will not sit as it happens, Mickoski said.

VMRO demands that the opposition is given the right to appoint an organized crime prosecutor who will investigate the corruption allegations, that are coming in light of the scandal that destroyed the Special Prosecutor’s Office.