Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said that there are dozens of high profile criminal cases that are being processed and will be revealed in the coming period. The Prime Minister was asked about the police raids against two dozen former officials of the state owned ELEM/ESM energy company, including two of its directors, suspected of causing more than 6 million EUR in damages with fraudulent procurement.

Yes, the actions will continue. We were very careful to say that we will not turn them into entertainment, and we will stick to that. Once there is sufficient evidence and well founded suspicions, the Interior Ministry, along with our shy prosecutors, will go into action. In the coming period there will be dozens of cases. Macedonian citizens will clearly understand what was being done in the past years, Mickoski said during a visit to Kicevo.

He emphasized that he will not conduct spectacular police raids, like the ones done under the Zaev regime, when special police forces barged into homes of Zaev’s political opponents in the dead of night, with camera crews in tow.