In an Independence Day greeting, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski says the beginning of the country’s independence is inevitably tied with VMRO-DPMNE given the party’s active role in building the state.

This generation joined forces for an independent state with its own institutions and a huge enthusiasm for a better life. Today, the main question is – have we, as a generation, justified their fight. The answer to a large extent is NO, Mickoski said.

Taking a jab at the government, he says the country has weak institutions and is inundated by crime and corruption, where the people are poverty-stricken.

We need changes for the better and it requires work and engagement by each and every one of us and we have to understand that we are the masters of our fate and happiness, the opposition leader says, noting Macedonia ‘has to succeed and have the energy for a turning point after which we will realize our ideals.’