VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski supported the call for removal of Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski with the recent attack on a prominent critic of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in Strumica.

– They send armed, masked thugs, who are only brave when they are masked, to beat up a man who dared criticize their leader in his own back yard, they broke his jaw in front of his family. This is the type of justice we get for criticizing Zoran and Vice Zaev, Mickoski said.

Mitko Georgiev was attacked on December 16th, in front of his home in Strumica. The attack comes after his several interviews with TV stations in which he said that Zoran Zaev and his brother Vice run the city of Strumica as their own personal fief, and engage in racketeering.

Mickoski called on Zaev to finally accept a TV debate, so he can answer about the abuse of the police and the judiciary, the elevation of partisan judges and prosecutors like Dobrila Kacarska and Vilma Ruskoska and the attacks on his critics.